[Patch, fortran] PR29464 - problem with duplicate USE, ONLY of procedure in INTERFACE
Paul Thomas
Sat Nov 25 15:11:00 GMT 2006
:ADDPATCH fortran:
This represents another contribution in campaign to eliminate the
interface meta-bug PR29670.
The patch is completely straightforward and adds a search for the "real"
name of a generic interface for all it's local names, in the same way as
is done for symbols. An symbol_attribute field, generic_copy was added
so that the interface could be shared between different symbols and the
clean up of the namespace would only free it once. The testcase is the
Regtested on Cygwin_NT/amd64 - OK for trunk, 4.2 and 4.1?
PS Could somebody look at the patches for PRs 29821, 29912 and 29916
over the next few days, please?
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