[RFC] Fix PR28684

Richard Guenther richard.guenther@gmail.com
Wed Nov 15 18:07:00 GMT 2006

On 11/15/06, Clint Whaley <whaley@cs.utsa.edu> wrote:
> Guys,
> At least my mailer freaked out with the mix of Revital's Windows-style
> text, and my own unix that I just sent (I can't read the message at all).
> Below is what I sent in all unix text . . .
> Sorry for the duplication,
> Clint
> From whaley@cs.utsa.edu  Wed Nov 15 11:20:41 2006
> Return-Path: <whaley@cs.utsa.edu>
> X-Original-To: whaley@cs.utsa.edu
> Delivered-To: whaley@cs.utsa.edu
> From: Clint Whaley <whaley@cs.utsa.edu>
> Date: Wed, 15 Nov 2006 11:20:41 -0600
> To: whaley@cs.utsa.edu
> User-Agent: Heirloom mailx 12.0 3/4/06
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> Status: R
> Revital,
> >Following Clint?s recent notes, I returned to the former definition
> >of the flag (if no one objects) and tried to clarify the
> >documentation  -
> >
> |-fassociative-math:
> |Allow optimization for floating-point arithmetic which are IEEE
> |compliant but may not follow language standards by reordering
> |the operations and/or commuting operands.
> |This means that the result may be changed due to rounding issues.
> |For example; in transforming (a + b) + c to a + (b + c) the intermediate
> |calculations still follow IEEE standard but the result could be different
> |due to rounding which also make the final result different.
> >>>>original
> >This flag intended for applications that need to be IEEE compliant
> >and would like to benefit from some transformations at the price of
> >loss of accuracy.
> Since you have split out reciprication, I see no way to have have a loss
> of accuracy that is not based on problem order.  Note that if the operands
> are not presorted into the best order (very rare, and they cannot throw this
> flag) for a particular summing scheme, you are just as likely to get *more*
> accuracy with the new order!  Maybe it's in some other transformation
> that is not a form reordering that I'm not following?  If this is essentially
> only reordering that affects fp results, perhaps the following would be better:
> <<<< My suggestion
> <This flag intended for applications that must utilize IEEE compliant
> <arithmetic and would benefit from the transformations enabled by this flag,
> <but do not need to enforce a particular ordering on the individual operations.
> |Among the transformations that are enabled by this
> |flag are vectorization, mve and re-association.
> |An example of a transformation which is not allowed by this flag is
> |transforming x * 0 to 0 as the result is not IEEE compliant when x
> |is Inf.
> |NOTE: may reorder or strength reduce floating-point comparisons as
> |well, and so may not be used when ordered comparisons are required.
> >It seems that -fassociative-math does not honor signed zero for different
> >rounding modes, is that o.k. ?
> It doesn't seem obvious to me why reordering the operations messes up the
> sign on zero (AFAIK that's not order based?), can you clarify?  As to if
> it's OK, like the guys who care about order, I think the times you need
> positive/negative zero differentiation are very rare, so it won't keep people
> from using the flag.  However, if it can occur, it should probably be mentioned
> in the flag definition, as I don't think it is obvious (at least to me) why
> it would happen from the present description.  Probably it would be more
> obvious if I understood the details of the gcc optimization phases, but
> I doubt your average user (even the numerically aware ones) will know this
> info either . . .

Yes, re-ordering can mess with signedness of zero, so I agree it should
be mentioned (and such transformations should not be excluded
from -fassociative-math just because sign of zero may be changed).
Usually people do care less about the sign of zero and rather want
proper overflow (Inf) behavior and propagation of NaNs.


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