Is "make bootstrap" known to be broken on mainline?

Mike Stump
Mon Nov 6 20:58:00 GMT 2006

On Nov 6, 2006, at 12:34 AM, Brooks Moses wrote:
> A couple of days ago, I tried to do a "make bootstrap" on an up-to- 
> date copy of mainline, on a freshly-installed Debian Linux machine.

You can change:




in gcc/c-decl.c for the short term.  Longer term, would be nice for  
you to file a bug report for this, and for someone to contribute  
patches to fixincludes glibc for your system.  If you want to to try  
your hand at it, see Geoff's latest fix to fixincludes and add/ 
enhance those to fix your glibc.  You might want to include the  
relevant header from your system into the PR, so that others that can  
fix it, but don't have your system, can try their hand at it.

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