[wwwdocs] Description of boehms-gc branch

Laurynas Biveinis laurynas.biveinis@gmail.com
Thu Jun 15 20:53:00 GMT 2006


I'm about to commit the following patch:

Index: svn.html
RCS file: /cvs/gcc/wwwdocs/htdocs/svn.html,v
retrieving revision 1.29
diff -c -r1.29 svn.html
*** svn.html	10 Jun 2006 21:11:36 -0000	1.29
--- svn.html	15 Jun 2006 20:08:02 -0000
*** 288,293 ****
--- 288,302 ----
    should be marked with the tag <code>[predcom]</code> in the subject
    line.  The branch is maintained by
    <a href="mailto:dvorakz@suse.cz">Zdenek Dvorak</a>.</dd>
+   <dt>boehms-gc</dt>
+   <dd>The goal of this branch is to test Boehm's GC feasibility as the
+   garbage collector for GCC proper.  This is a part of Google Summer
+   of Code project, described in detail
+   at <a href="http://gcc.gnu.org/wiki/Garbage%20collection%20tuning">http://gcc.gnu.org/wiki/Garbage%20collection%20tuning</a>.
+   branch is maintained
+   by <a href="mailto:laurynas.biveinis@gmail.com">Laurynas
+   Biveinis</a>.</dd>



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