Ping: [Patch, fortran] PR24558, PR20877 and PR25047 - module function alternate entries.

Paul Thomas
Mon Jun 5 20:14:00 GMT 2006

This is in many ways a more significant patch than the PR25058/25090 
patch; it fixes a feature that should be present but is broken at the 
moment.  However, unlike this latter, I would really like it to be 
reviewed before I apply it.  That said, I really must set a deadline of 
Friday 6-7h00 CET before I patch trunk.


PS I am not convinced that alternate entries in module functions are a 
GOOD THING, in the Pooh Bear sense, but there we are.  This makes them work!

> :ADDPATCH fortran:
> This patch fixes PR24558 and, in so doing, PR20877 and PR25047.  In 
> all three, a prior reference to a module function alternate entry 
> would produce the error: "insert_bbt(): Duplicate key found!" This 
> occurs because decl.c(get_proc_name) attempts to create a symtree for 
> the entry in the current namespace, when one has already been created 
> as a result of the reference.
> The fix proceeds by adding a new argument to get_proc_name, which 
> signals that a module function entry is being processed.  If this is 
> true, the new symtree is created in the module namespace and 
> gfc_add_procedure is called to add a module procedure.
> Having cleared the duplicate key message a series of downstream steps 
> are required to persuade module function entries to work:
> (i) In resolve.c(resolve_entries), the entry symbol needs to reference 
> the master entry namespace, so that the fake result mechanism works.
> (ii) Trans-decl.c(gfc_create_module_variable) must return immediately 
> on seeing an entry because the subsequent check that the symbol 
> namespace is the module namespace fails.
> (iii) Finally, the condition for parent_flag, in 
> trans-expr.c(gfc_conv_variable), must be corrected to deal with both 
> parent_decl and the proc_name backend_decl both being NULL.  This 
> pushed gfc_get_fake_result_decl into segfaulting.
> The first test case checks the functioning of module function entries 
> and the second checks that the correct errors are generated by the 
> incorrect code of PRs 20877 and 25047. PR20877 produces a slightly 
> strange error message, which comes from check_conflict and is due to 
> the order in which the PROCEDURE, ENTRY and RESULT attributes are 
> encountered.  Changing this causes all manner of regressions and, 
> since the error message is correct and comprehensible, I have left 
> well alone.
> Regtested on FC5/Athlon1700.  OK for trunk and 4.1?
> Paul
> 2006-05-31  Paul Thomas  <>
>    PR fortran/24558
>    PR fortran/20877
>    PR fortran/25047
>    * decl.c (get_proc_name): Add new argument to flag that a
>    module function entry is being treated. If true, correct
>    error condition, add symtree to module namespace and add
>    a module procedure.
>    (gfc_match_function_decl, gfc_match_entry,
>    gfc_match_subroutine): Use the new argument in calls to
>    get_proc_name.
>    * resolve.c (resolve_entries): ENTRY symbol reference to
>    to master entry namespace if a module function.
>    * trans-decl.c (gfc_create_module_variable): Return if
>    the symbol is an entry.
>    * trans-exp.c (gfc_conv_variable): Check that parent_decl
>    is not NULL.
> 2006-05-31 Paul Thomas  <>
>    PR fortran/24558
>    * gfortran.dg/entry_6.f90: New test.
>    PR fortran/20877
>    PR fortran/25047
>    * gfortran.dg/entry_7.f90: New test.
>Index: gcc/fortran/decl.c
>*** gcc/fortran/decl.c	(revision 114148)
>--- gcc/fortran/decl.c	(working copy)
>*************** end:
>*** 596,608 ****
>     parent, then the symbol is just created in the current unit.  */
>  static int
>! get_proc_name (const char *name, gfc_symbol ** result)
>  {
>    gfc_symtree *st;
>    gfc_symbol *sym;
>    int rc;
>!   if (gfc_current_ns->parent == NULL)
>      rc = gfc_get_symbol (name, NULL, result);
>    else
>      rc = gfc_get_symbol (name, gfc_current_ns->parent, result);
>--- 596,609 ----
>     parent, then the symbol is just created in the current unit.  */
>  static int
>! get_proc_name (const char *name, gfc_symbol ** result,
>! 	       bool module_fcn_entry)
>  {
>    gfc_symtree *st;
>    gfc_symbol *sym;
>    int rc;
>!   if (gfc_current_ns->parent == NULL || module_fcn_entry)
>      rc = gfc_get_symbol (name, NULL, result);
>    else
>      rc = gfc_get_symbol (name, gfc_current_ns->parent, result);
>*************** get_proc_name (const char *name, gfc_sym
>*** 628,634 ****
>        if (sym->ts.kind != 0
>  	    && sym->attr.proc == 0
>  	    && gfc_current_ns->parent != NULL
>! 	    && sym->attr.access == 0)
>  	gfc_error_now ("Procedure '%s' at %C has an explicit interface"
>  		       " and must not have attributes declared at %L",
>  		       name, &sym->declared_at);
>--- 629,636 ----
>        if (sym->ts.kind != 0
>  	    && sym->attr.proc == 0
>  	    && gfc_current_ns->parent != NULL
>! 	    && sym->attr.access == 0
>! 	    && !module_fcn_entry)
>  	gfc_error_now ("Procedure '%s' at %C has an explicit interface"
>  		       " and must not have attributes declared at %L",
>  		       name, &sym->declared_at);
>*************** get_proc_name (const char *name, gfc_sym
>*** 637,654 ****
>    if (gfc_current_ns->parent == NULL || *result == NULL)
>      return rc;
>!   st = gfc_new_symtree (&gfc_current_ns->sym_root, name);
>    st->n.sym = sym;
>    sym->refs++;
>    /* See if the procedure should be a module procedure */
>!   if (sym->ns->proc_name != NULL
>!       && sym->ns->proc_name->attr.flavor == FL_MODULE
>!       && sym->attr.proc != PROC_MODULE
>!       && gfc_add_procedure (&sym->attr, PROC_MODULE,
>! 			    sym->name, NULL) == FAILURE)
>      rc = 2;
>    return rc;
>--- 639,661 ----
>    if (gfc_current_ns->parent == NULL || *result == NULL)
>      return rc;
>!   /* Module function entries will already have a symtree in
>!      the current namespace but will need one at module level.  */
>!   if (module_fcn_entry)
>!     st = gfc_new_symtree (&gfc_current_ns->parent->sym_root, name);
>!   else
>!     st = gfc_new_symtree (&gfc_current_ns->sym_root, name);
>    st->n.sym = sym;
>    sym->refs++;
>    /* See if the procedure should be a module procedure */
>!   if (((sym->ns->proc_name != NULL
>! 	  && sym->ns->proc_name->attr.flavor == FL_MODULE
>! 	  && sym->attr.proc != PROC_MODULE) || module_fcn_entry)
>! 	&& gfc_add_procedure (&sym->attr, PROC_MODULE,
>! 			      sym->name, NULL) == FAILURE)
>      rc = 2;
>    return rc;
>*************** gfc_match_function_decl (void)
>*** 2564,2570 ****
>        return MATCH_NO;
>      }
>!   if (get_proc_name (name, &sym))
>      return MATCH_ERROR;
>    gfc_new_block = sym;
>--- 2571,2577 ----
>        return MATCH_NO;
>      }
>!   if (get_proc_name (name, &sym, false))
>      return MATCH_ERROR;
>    gfc_new_block = sym;
>*************** gfc_match_entry (void)
>*** 2667,2672 ****
>--- 2674,2680 ----
>    match m;
>    gfc_entry_list *el;
>    locus old_loc;
>+   bool module_procedure;
>    m = gfc_match_name (name);
>    if (m != MATCH_YES)
>*************** gfc_match_entry (void)
>*** 2727,2742 ****
>        return MATCH_ERROR;
>      }
>    if (gfc_current_ns->parent != NULL
>        && gfc_current_ns->parent->proc_name
>!       && gfc_current_ns->parent->proc_name->attr.flavor != FL_MODULE)
>      {
>        gfc_error("ENTRY statement at %C cannot appear in a "
>  		"contained procedure");
>        return MATCH_ERROR;
>      }
>!   if (get_proc_name (name, &entry))
>      return MATCH_ERROR;
>    proc = gfc_current_block ();
>--- 2735,2760 ----
>        return MATCH_ERROR;
>      }
>+   module_procedure = gfc_current_ns->parent != NULL
>+       && gfc_current_ns->parent->proc_name
>+       && gfc_current_ns->parent->proc_name->attr.flavor == FL_MODULE;
>    if (gfc_current_ns->parent != NULL
>        && gfc_current_ns->parent->proc_name
>!       && !module_procedure)
>      {
>        gfc_error("ENTRY statement at %C cannot appear in a "
>  		"contained procedure");
>        return MATCH_ERROR;
>      }
>!   /* Module function entries need special care in get_proc_name
>!      because previous references within the function will have
>!      created symbols attached to the current namespace.  */
>!   if (get_proc_name (name, &entry,
>! 		     gfc_current_ns->parent != NULL
>! 		     && module_procedure
>! 		     && gfc_current_ns->proc_name->attr.function))
>      return MATCH_ERROR;
>    proc = gfc_current_block ();
>*************** gfc_match_subroutine (void)
>*** 2865,2871 ****
>    if (m != MATCH_YES)
>      return m;
>!   if (get_proc_name (name, &sym))
>      return MATCH_ERROR;
>    gfc_new_block = sym;
>--- 2883,2889 ----
>    if (m != MATCH_YES)
>      return m;
>!   if (get_proc_name (name, &sym, false))
>      return MATCH_ERROR;
>    gfc_new_block = sym;
>Index: gcc/fortran/resolve.c
>*** gcc/fortran/resolve.c	(revision 114148)
>--- gcc/fortran/resolve.c	(working copy)
>*************** resolve_entries (gfc_namespace * ns)
>*** 379,384 ****
>--- 379,391 ----
>    ns->entries = el;
>    ns->proc_name->attr.entry = 1;
>+   /* If it is a module function, it needs to be in the right namespace
>+      so that gfc_get_fake_result_decl can gather up the results.  */
>+   if (ns->proc_name->attr.function
>+ 	&& ns->parent
>+ 	&& ns->parent->proc_name->attr.flavor == FL_MODULE)
>+     el->sym->ns = ns;
>    /* Add an entry statement for it.  */
>    c = gfc_get_code ();
>    c->op = EXEC_ENTRY;
>Index: gcc/fortran/trans-decl.c
>*** gcc/fortran/trans-decl.c	(revision 114148)
>--- gcc/fortran/trans-decl.c	(working copy)
>*************** gfc_create_module_variable (gfc_symbol *
>*** 2656,2661 ****
>--- 2656,2666 ----
>  {
>    tree decl;
>+   /* Module functions with alternate entries are dealt with later and
>+      would get caught by the next condition.  */
>+   if (sym->attr.entry)
>+     return;
>    /* Only output symbols from this module.  */
>    if (sym->ns != module_namespace)
>      {
>Index: gcc/fortran/trans-expr.c
>*** gcc/fortran/trans-expr.c	(revision 114148)
>--- gcc/fortran/trans-expr.c	(working copy)
>*************** gfc_conv_variable (gfc_se * se, gfc_expr
>*** 359,364 ****
>--- 359,365 ----
>        if ((se->expr == parent_decl && return_value)
>  	   || (sym->ns && sym->ns->proc_name
>+ 	       && parent_decl
>  	       && sym->ns->proc_name->backend_decl == parent_decl
>  	       && (alternate_entry || entry_master)))
>  	parent_flag = 1;
>Index: gcc/testsuite/gfortran.dg/entry_6.f90
>*** gcc/testsuite/gfortran.dg/entry_6.f90	(revision 0)
>--- gcc/testsuite/gfortran.dg/entry_6.f90	(revision 0)
>*** 0 ****
>--- 1,56 ----
>+ ! { dg-do run }
>+ ! Tests the fix for PR24558, which reported that module
>+ ! alternate function entries did not work.
>+ !
>+ ! Contributed by Erik Edelmann  <>
>+ !
>+ module foo
>+ contains
>+     function n1 (a)
>+         integer :: n1, n2, a, b
>+         integer, save :: c
>+         c = a
>+         n1 = c**3
>+         return
>+     entry n2 (b)
>+         n2 = c * b
>+         n2 = n2**2
>+         return
>+     end function n1
>+     function z1 (u)
>+         complex :: z1, z2, u, v
>+         z1 = (1.0, 2.0) * u
>+         return
>+     entry z2 (v)
>+         z2 = (3, 4) * v
>+         return
>+     end function z1
>+     function n3 (d)
>+         integer :: n3, d
>+         n3 = n2(d) * n1(d) ! Check sibling references.
>+         return
>+     end function n3
>+     function c1 (a)
>+         character(4) :: c1, c2, a, b
>+         c1 = a
>+         if (a .eq. "abcd") c1 = "ABCD"
>+         return
>+     entry c2 (b)
>+         c2 = b
>+         if (b .eq. "wxyz") c2 = "WXYZ"
>+         return
>+     end function c1
>+ end module foo
>+     use foo
>+     if (n1(9) .ne. 729) call abort ()
>+     if (n2(2) .ne. 324) call abort ()
>+     if (n3(19) .ne. 200564019) call abort ()
>+     if (c1("lmno") .ne. "lmno") call abort ()
>+     if (c1("abcd") .ne. "ABCD") call abort ()
>+     if (c2("lmno") .ne. "lmno") call abort ()
>+     if (c2("wxyz") .ne. "WXYZ") call abort ()
>+     if (z1((3,4)) .ne. (-5, 10)) call abort ()
>+     if (z2((5,6)) .ne. (-9, 38)) call abort ()
>+  end
>+ ! { dg-final { cleanup-modules "foo" } }
>Index: gcc/testsuite/gfortran.dg/entry_7.f90
>*** gcc/testsuite/gfortran.dg/entry_7.f90	(revision 0)
>--- gcc/testsuite/gfortran.dg/entry_7.f90	(revision 0)
>*** 0 ****
>--- 1,25 ----
>+ ! { dg-do compile }
>+ ! Check that PR20877 and PR25047 are fixed by the patch for
>+ ! PR24558. Both modules would emit the error:
>+ ! insert_bbt(): Duplicate key found!
>+ ! because of the prior references to a module function entry.
>+ !
>+ ! Contributed by Joost VandeVondele  <>
>+ !
>+     ENTRY J() ! { dg-error "conflicts with PROCEDURE attribute" }
>+   integer function foo ()
>+     character*4 bar ! { dg-error "type CHARACTER" }
>+     foo = 21
>+     return
>+   entry bar ()
>+     bar = "abcd"
>+   end function
>+ ! { dg-final { cleanup-modules "TT" } }
>2006-05-31  Paul Thomas  <>
>	PR fortran/24558
>	PR fortran/20877
>	PR fortran/25047
>	* decl.c (get_proc_name): Add new argument to flag that a
>	module function entry is being treated. If true, correct
>	error condition, add symtree to module namespace and add
>	a module procedure.
>	(gfc_match_function_decl, gfc_match_entry,
>	gfc_match_subroutine): Use the new argument in calls to
>	get_proc_name.
>	* resolve.c (resolve_entries): ENTRY symbol reference to
>	to master entry namespace if a module function.
>	* trans-decl.c (gfc_create_module_variable): Return if
>	the symbol is an entry.
>	* trans-exp.c (gfc_conv_variable): Check that parent_decl
>	is not NULL.
>2006-05-31 Paul Thomas  <>
>	PR fortran/24558
>	* gfortran.dg/entry_6.f90: New test.
>	PR fortran/20877
>	PR fortran/25047
>	* gfortran.dg/entry_7.f90: New test.

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