[Ada] Fixes in handling of generics and Ada 2005

Arnaud Charlet charlet@adacore.com
Tue Nov 15 14:41:00 GMT 2005

Tested on i686-linux, committed on trunk.

When instantiating a formal package, we establish a mapping between the
entities in the formal and those in the actual package. This mapping must
exclude various internal entities that will not have been generated in
a similar way for the formal and the actual, because of different expansion
settings. This patch excludes from the match inherited predefined primitive
operations that may have been generated for a formal derived type.
The following must compile quietly:
gcc -c -gnat05 h.ads
package E is
   type Tagged_Type is tagged null record;
      type Derived_Type is new Tagged_Type with private;
   package C is
      type Another_Type is tagged null record;
with E;
   with package CI is new E.C (<>);
   type D is new CI.Another_Type with private;
package F is end;
with E;
package G is
   package CI is new E.C (E.Tagged_Type);
   type Derived_From_Another_Type is new CI.Another_Type with null record;
with F;
with G;
package H is new F (G.CI, G.Derived_From_Another_Type);

For every instantiation we check whether the generic is a child unit, in
which case the parent instances need to be installed. This check is not
needed when the context is an inlined call, because a function body that
is inlined cannot contain instantiations, with the exception of unchecked
conversion. Furthermore, the check will fail the enclosing expression uses
a transient scope.
The following must compile quietly:
with Ada.Unchecked_Conversion;
package Pack is
   subtype S1 is String (1..4);
   function Bomb (X : Integer) return S1;
   pragma Inline_Always (Bomb);
end Pack;
package body Pack is
   function Bomb (X : Integer) return S1 is
      function To_S1 is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (Integer, S1);
      return To_S1 (X);
end Pack;
with Pack; use Pack;
with Ada.Strings.Unbounded; use Ada.Strings.Unbounded;
procedure Try is
   It   : Unbounded_String;
   It := To_Unbounded_String (Bomb (12));

If an aggregate in an generic resolves to a local type, this information
is not preserved in the generic copy (which only saves global references).
As a result, an instance may report spurious ambiguities  when such an
aggregate is an actual in an overloaded call. In order to alleviate (but
not solve completely) the problem, we rewrite the aggregate as a qualified
expression, using the name of the resolved type. Given that the type is
a local entity in the generic, there will be a visible entity of the same
name in the instance, and the resolution will be unambiguous.
The following must compile quietly:
gcc -c -gnat05 p.ads
with Ada.Containers.Vectors;
generic package G is
   pragma Elaborate_Body;
   type R is record
      I : Integer;
   end record;
   package Vecs is new Ada.Containers.Vectors (Positive, R);
   use Vecs;
   V : Vector;
package body G is
   procedure A is
      Append (V, (I => 1));
      Append (V, (I => 1),1);
      Append (V, R'(I => 1));
with G; package P is new G;

Also implement part of the rules for formal interface types,
described in section 12.5.5 of the Ada 2005 Reference Manual.

2005-11-14  Gary Dismukes  <dismukes@adacore.com>
	    Ed Schonberg  <schonberg@adacore.com>
	    Thomas Quinot  <quinot@adacore.com>

	* sem_ch12.ads, sem_ch12.adb (Map_Entities): Exclude entities whose
	names are internal, because they will not have a corresponding partner
	in the actual package.
	(Analyze_Formal_Package): Move the setting of the formal package spec's
	Generic_Parent field so that it occurs prior to analyzing the package,
	to allow proper operation of Install_Parent_Private_Declarations.
	(Analyze_Package_Instantiation): Set the instantiated package entity's
	Package_Instantiation field.
	(Get_Package_Instantiation_Node): Move declaration to package spec.
	Retrieve the N_Package_Instantiation node when the Package_Instantiation
	field is present.
	(Check_Generic_Child_Unit): Within an inlined call, the only possible
	instantiation is Unchecked_Conversion, for which no parents are needed.
	(Inline_Instance_Body): Deinstall and record the use_clauses for all
	parent scopes of a scope being removed prior to inlining an instance
	(Analyze_Package_Instantiation): Do not perform front-end inlining when
	the current context is itself an instance within a non-instance child
	unit, to prevent scope stack errors.
	(Save_References): If the node is an aggregate that is an actual in a
	call, rewrite as a qualified expression to preserve some type
	information, to resolve possible ambiguities in the instance.
	(Instance_Parent_Unit): New global variable to record the ultimate
	parent unit associated with a generic child unit instance (associated
	with the existing Parent_Unit_Visible flag).
	(type Instance_Env): New component Instance_Parent_Unit for stacking
	parents recorded in the global Instance_Parent_Unit.
	(Init_Env): Save value of Instance_Parent_Unit in the Instance_Env
	(Install_Spec): Save the parent unit entity in Instance_Parent_Unit when
	it's not a top-level unit, and only do this if Instance_Parent_Unit is
	not already set. Replace test of Is_Child_Unit with test of parent's
	scope against package Standard. Add comments and a ??? comment.
	(Remove_Parent): Revise condition for resetting Is_Immediately_Visible
	on a child instance parent to test that the parent equals
	Instance_Parent rather than simply checking that the unit is not a
	child unit.
	(Restore_Env): Restore value of Instance_Parent_Unit from Instance_Env.
	(Validate_Derived_Interface_Type_Instance): Verify that all ancestors of
	a formal interface are ancestors of the corresponding actual.
	(Validate_Formal_Interface_Type): Additional legality checks.
	(Analyze_Formal_Derived_Interface_Type): New procedure to handle formal
	interface types with ancestors.
	(Analyze_Formal_Package): If formal is a renaming, use renamed entity
	to diagnose attempts to use generic within its own declaration.

-------------- next part --------------
Index: sem_ch12.ads
--- sem_ch12.ads	(revision 106884)
+++ sem_ch12.ads	(working copy)
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 --                                                                          --
 --                                 S p e c                                  --
 --                                                                          --
---          Copyright (C) 1992-2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc.          --
+--          Copyright (C) 1992-2005, Free Software Foundation, Inc.         --
 --                                                                          --
 -- GNAT is free software;  you can  redistribute it  and/or modify it under --
 -- terms of the  GNU General Public License as published  by the Free Soft- --
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
    procedure Analyze_Formal_Package                     (N : Node_Id);
    procedure Start_Generic;
-   --  Must be invoked before starting to process a generic spec or body.
+   --  Must be invoked before starting to process a generic spec or body
    procedure End_Generic;
    --  Must be invoked just at the end of the end of the processing of a
@@ -70,6 +70,11 @@
    --  Retrieve actual associated with given generic parameter.
    --  If A is uninstantiated or not a generic parameter, return A.
+   function Get_Package_Instantiation_Node (A : Entity_Id) return Node_Id;
+   --  Given the entity of a unit that is an instantiation, retrieve the
+   --  original instance node. This is used when loading the instantiations
+   --  of the ancestors of a child generic that is being instantiated.
    procedure Instantiate_Package_Body
      (Body_Info    : Pending_Body_Info;
       Inlined_Body : Boolean := False);
Index: sem_ch12.adb
--- sem_ch12.adb	(revision 106884)
+++ sem_ch12.adb	(working copy)
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 --                                                                          --
 --                                 B o d y                                  --
 --                                                                          --
---          Copyright (C) 1992-2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc.          --
+--          Copyright (C) 1992-2005, Free Software Foundation, Inc.         --
 --                                                                          --
 -- GNAT is free software;  you can  redistribute it  and/or modify it under --
 -- terms of the  GNU General Public License as published  by the Free Soft- --
@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@
 with Lib.Load; use Lib.Load;
 with Lib.Xref; use Lib.Xref;
 with Nlists;   use Nlists;
+with Namet;    use Namet;
 with Nmake;    use Nmake;
 with Opt;      use Opt;
 with Rident;   use Rident;
@@ -256,6 +257,10 @@
    --  The following procedures treat other kinds of formal parameters
+   procedure Analyze_Formal_Derived_Interface_Type
+     (T   : Entity_Id;
+      Def : Node_Id);
    procedure Analyze_Formal_Derived_Type
      (N   : Node_Id;
       T   : Entity_Id;
@@ -271,6 +276,7 @@
                                                 (T : Entity_Id; Def : Node_Id);
    procedure Analyze_Formal_Discrete_Type       (T : Entity_Id; Def : Node_Id);
    procedure Analyze_Formal_Floating_Type       (T : Entity_Id; Def : Node_Id);
+   procedure Analyze_Formal_Interface_Type      (T : Entity_Id; Def : Node_Id);
    procedure Analyze_Formal_Signed_Integer_Type (T : Entity_Id; Def : Node_Id);
    procedure Analyze_Formal_Modular_Type        (T : Entity_Id; Def : Node_Id);
    procedure Analyze_Formal_Ordinary_Fixed_Point_Type
@@ -390,11 +396,6 @@
    --  (component or index type of an array type) and Gen_Scope is the scope of
    --  the analyzed formal array type.
-   function Get_Package_Instantiation_Node (A : Entity_Id) return Node_Id;
-   --  Given the entity of a unit that is an instantiation, retrieve the
-   --  original instance node. This is used when loading the instantiations
-   --  of the ancestors of a child generic that is being instantiated.
    function In_Same_Declarative_Part
      (F_Node : Node_Id;
       Inst   : Node_Id) return Boolean;
@@ -685,9 +686,14 @@
    Parent_Unit_Visible : Boolean := False;
    --  Parent_Unit_Visible is used when the generic is a child unit, and
    --  indicates whether the ultimate parent of the generic is visible in the
-   --  instantiation environment. It is used to reset the visiblity of the
+   --  instantiation environment. It is used to reset the visibility of the
    --  parent at the end of the instantiation (see Remove_Parent).
+   Instance_Parent_Unit : Entity_Id := Empty;
+   --  This records the ultimate parent unit of an instance of a generic
+   --  child unit and is used in conjunction with Parent_Unit_Visible to
+   --  indicate the unit to which the Parent_Unit_Visible flag corresponds.
    type Instance_Env is record
       Ada_Version          : Ada_Version_Type;
       Ada_Version_Explicit : Ada_Version_Type;
@@ -695,7 +701,8 @@
       Exchanged_Views      : Elist_Id;
       Hidden_Entities      : Elist_Id;
       Current_Sem_Unit     : Unit_Number_Type;
-      Parent_Unit_Visible  : Boolean := False;
+      Parent_Unit_Visible  : Boolean   := False;
+      Instance_Parent_Unit : Entity_Id := Empty;
    end record;
    package Instance_Envs is new Table.Table (
@@ -1015,7 +1022,7 @@
                          (Formal, Match, Analyzed_Formal, Assoc));
-                     --  an instantiation is a freeze point for the actuals,
+                     --  An instantiation is a freeze point for the actuals,
                      --  unless this is a rewritten formal package.
                      if Nkind (I_Node) /= N_Formal_Package_Declaration then
@@ -1299,6 +1306,26 @@
       Check_Restriction (No_Fixed_Point, Def);
    end Analyze_Formal_Decimal_Fixed_Point_Type;
+   -------------------------------------------
+   -- Analyze_Formal_Derived_Interface_Type --
+   -------------------------------------------
+   procedure Analyze_Formal_Derived_Interface_Type
+     (T : Entity_Id;
+      Def : Node_Id)
+   is
+   begin
+      Enter_Name (T);
+      Set_Ekind  (T, E_Record_Type);
+      Set_Etype  (T, T);
+      Analyze (Subtype_Indication (Def));
+      Analyze_Interface_Declaration (T, Def);
+      Make_Class_Wide_Type (T);
+      Set_Primitive_Operations (T, New_Elmt_List);
+      Analyze_List (Interface_List (Def));
+      Collect_Interfaces (Def, T);
+   end Analyze_Formal_Derived_Interface_Type;
    -- Analyze_Formal_Derived_Type --
@@ -1452,6 +1479,20 @@
       Check_Restriction (No_Floating_Point, Def);
    end Analyze_Formal_Floating_Type;
+   -----------------------------------
+   -- Analyze_Formal_Interface_Type;--
+   -----------------------------------
+   procedure Analyze_Formal_Interface_Type (T : Entity_Id; Def : Node_Id) is
+   begin
+      Enter_Name (T);
+      Set_Ekind  (T, E_Record_Type);
+      Set_Etype  (T, T);
+      Analyze_Interface_Declaration (T, Def);
+      Make_Class_Wide_Type (T);
+      Set_Primitive_Operations (T, New_Elmt_List);
+   end Analyze_Formal_Interface_Type;
    -- Analyze_Formal_Modular_Type --
@@ -1630,6 +1671,12 @@
       Check_Generic_Child_Unit (Gen_Id, Parent_Installed);
       Gen_Unit := Entity (Gen_Id);
+      --  Check for a formal package that is a package renaming
+      if Present (Renamed_Object (Gen_Unit)) then
+         Gen_Unit := Renamed_Object (Gen_Unit);
+      end if;
       if Ekind (Gen_Unit) /= E_Generic_Package then
          Error_Msg_N ("expect generic package name", Gen_Id);
@@ -1664,12 +1711,6 @@
          end if;
       end if;
-      --  Check for a formal package that is a package renaming
-      if Present (Renamed_Object (Gen_Unit)) then
-         Gen_Unit := Renamed_Object (Gen_Unit);
-      end if;
       --  The formal package is treated like a regular instance, but only
       --  the specification needs to be instantiated, to make entities visible.
@@ -1703,6 +1744,7 @@
              (Original_Node (Gen_Decl), Empty, Instantiating => True);
          Rewrite (N, New_N);
          Set_Defining_Unit_Name (Specification (New_N), Formal);
+         Set_Generic_Parent (Specification (N), Gen_Unit);
          Set_Instance_Env (Gen_Unit, Formal);
          Enter_Name (Formal);
@@ -1760,10 +1802,9 @@
          --  instantiation, the defining_unit_name we need is in the
          --  new tree and not in the original. (see Package_Instantiation).
          --  A generic formal package is an instance, and can be used as
-         --  an actual for an inner instance. Mark its generic parent.
+         --  an actual for an inner instance.
          Set_Ekind (Formal, E_Package);
-         Set_Generic_Parent (Specification (N), Gen_Unit);
          Set_Has_Completion (Formal, True);
          Set_Ekind (Pack_Id, E_Package);
@@ -2043,6 +2084,15 @@
               N_Access_Procedure_Definition            =>
             Analyze_Generic_Access_Type (T, Def);
+         --  Ada 2005: a interface declaration is encoded as an abstract
+         --  record declaration or a abstract type derivation.
+         when N_Record_Definition                      =>
+            Analyze_Formal_Interface_Type (T, Def);
+         when N_Derived_Type_Definition                =>
+            Analyze_Formal_Derived_Interface_Type (T, Def);
          when N_Error                                  =>
@@ -2655,6 +2705,19 @@
                   Inline_Now := True;
                end if;
+               --  If the current scope is itself an instance within a child
+               --  unit, and that unit itself is not an instance, it is
+               --  duplicated in the scope stack, and the unstacking mechanism
+               --  in Inline_Instance_Body will fail. This loses some rare
+               --  cases of optimization, and might be improved some day ????
+               if Is_Generic_Instance (Current_Scope)
+                  and then Is_Child_Unit (Scope (Current_Scope))
+                  and then not Is_Generic_Instance (Scope (Current_Scope))
+               then
+                  Inline_Now := False;
+               end if;
             end if;
             Needs_Body :=
@@ -2856,6 +2919,7 @@
             Set_Unit (Parent (N), Act_Decl);
             Set_Parent_Spec (Act_Decl, Parent_Spec (N));
+            Set_Package_Instantiation (Act_Decl_Id, N);
             Analyze (Act_Decl);
             Set_Unit (Parent (N), N);
             Set_Body_Required (Parent (N), False);
@@ -2974,23 +3038,29 @@
       S            : Entity_Id;
-      --  Case of generic unit defined in another unit. We must remove
-      --  the complete context of the current unit to install that of
-      --  the generic.
+      --  Case of generic unit defined in another unit. We must remove the
+      --  complete context of the current unit to install that of the generic.
       if Gen_Comp /= Cunit_Entity (Current_Sem_Unit) then
+         --  Add some comments for the following two loops ???
          S := Current_Scope;
+         while Present (S) and then S /= Standard_Standard loop
+            loop
+               Num_Scopes := Num_Scopes + 1;
-         while Present (S)
-           and then S /= Standard_Standard
-         loop
-            Num_Scopes := Num_Scopes + 1;
+               Use_Clauses (Num_Scopes) :=
+                 (Scope_Stack.Table
+                    (Scope_Stack.Last - Num_Scopes + 1).
+                       First_Use_Clause);
+               End_Use_Clauses (Use_Clauses (Num_Scopes));
-            Use_Clauses (Num_Scopes) :=
-              (Scope_Stack.Table
-                 (Scope_Stack.Last - Num_Scopes + 1).
-                    First_Use_Clause);
-            End_Use_Clauses (Use_Clauses (Num_Scopes));
+               exit when Scope_Stack.Last - Num_Scopes + 1 = Scope_Stack.First
+                 or else Scope_Stack.Table
+                           (Scope_Stack.Last - Num_Scopes).Entity
+                             = Scope (S);
+            end loop;
             exit when Is_Generic_Instance (S)
               and then (In_Package_Body (S)
@@ -3018,12 +3088,12 @@
             S := Scope (S);
          end loop;
-         --  Remove context of current compilation unit, unless we
-         --  are within a nested package instantiation, in which case
-         --  the context has been removed previously.
+         --  Remove context of current compilation unit, unless we are within a
+         --  nested package instantiation, in which case the context has been
+         --  removed previously.
-         --  If current scope is the body of a child unit, remove context
-         --  of spec as well.
+         --  If current scope is the body of a child unit, remove context of
+         --  spec as well.
          S := Current_Scope;
@@ -3046,7 +3116,7 @@
                Removed := True;
                --  Remove entities in current scopes from visibility, so
-               --  than instance body is compiled in a clean environment.
+               --  that instance body is compiled in a clean environment.
                Save_Scope_Stack (Handle_Use => False);
@@ -3077,6 +3147,7 @@
             S := Scope (S);
          end loop;
+         pragma Assert (Num_Inner < Num_Scopes);
          New_Scope (Standard_Standard);
          Scope_Stack.Table (Scope_Stack.Last).Is_Active_Stack_Base := True;
@@ -4301,8 +4372,18 @@
          Instance_Decl      : Node_Id;
+         --  We do not inline any call that contains instantiations, except
+         --  for instantiations of Unchecked_Conversion, so if we are within
+         --  an inlined body the current instance does not require parents.
+         if In_Inlined_Body then
+            pragma Assert (Chars (Gen_Id) = Name_Unchecked_Conversion);
+            return False;
+         end if;
+         --  Loop to check enclosing scopes
          Enclosing_Instance := Current_Scope;
          while Present (Enclosing_Instance) loop
             Instance_Decl := Unit_Declaration_Node (Enclosing_Instance);
@@ -5755,6 +5836,24 @@
       Inst : Node_Id;
+      --  If the Package_Instantiation attribute has been set on the package
+      --  entity, then use it directly when it (or its Original_Node) refers
+      --  to an N_Package_Instantiation node. In principle it should be
+      --  possible to have this field set in all cases, which should be
+      --  investigated, and would allow this function to be significantly
+      --  simplified. ???
+      if Present (Package_Instantiation (A)) then
+         if Nkind (Package_Instantiation (A)) = N_Package_Instantiation then
+            return Package_Instantiation (A);
+         elsif Nkind (Original_Node (Package_Instantiation (A)))
+                 = N_Package_Instantiation
+         then
+            return Original_Node (Package_Instantiation (A));
+         end if;
+      end if;
       --  If the instantiation is a compilation unit that does not need a
       --  body then the instantiation node has been rewritten as a package
       --  declaration for the instance, and we return the original node.
@@ -5880,6 +5979,7 @@
       Saved.Hidden_Entities      := Hidden_Entities;
       Saved.Current_Sem_Unit     := Current_Sem_Unit;
       Saved.Parent_Unit_Visible  := Parent_Unit_Visible;
+      Saved.Instance_Parent_Unit := Instance_Parent_Unit;
       Instance_Envs.Table (Instance_Envs.Last) := Saved;
@@ -6308,16 +6408,43 @@
                   Specification (Unit_Declaration_Node (Par));
-         if not Is_Child_Unit (Par) then
+         --  If this parent of the child instance is a top-level unit,
+         --  then record the unit and its visibility for later resetting
+         --  in Remove_Parent. We exclude units that are generic instances,
+         --  as we only want to record this information for the ultimate
+         --  top-level noninstance parent (is that always correct???).
+         if Scope (Par) = Standard_Standard
+           and then not Is_Generic_Instance (Par)
+         then
             Parent_Unit_Visible := Is_Immediately_Visible (Par);
+            Instance_Parent_Unit := Par;
          end if;
+         --  Open the parent scope and make it and its declarations visible.
+         --  If this point is not within a body, then only the visible
+         --  declarations should be made visible, and installation of the
+         --  private declarations is deferred until the appropriate point
+         --  within analysis of the spec being instantiated (see the handling
+         --  of parent visibility in Analyze_Package_Specification). This is
+         --  relaxed in the case where the parent unit is Ada.Tags, to avoid
+         --  private view problems that occur when compiling instantiations of
+         --  a generic child of that package (Generic_Dispatching_Constructor).
+         --  If the instance freezes a tagged type, inlinings of operations
+         --  from Ada.Tags may need the full view of type Tag. If inlining
+         --  took proper account of establishing visibility of inlined
+         --  subprograms' parents then it should be possible to remove this
+         --  special check. ???
          New_Scope (Par);
          Set_Is_Immediately_Visible   (Par);
          Install_Visible_Declarations (Par);
-         Install_Private_Declarations (Par);
          Set_Use (Visible_Declarations (Spec));
-         Set_Use (Private_Declarations (Spec));
+         if In_Body or else Is_RTU (Par, Ada_Tags) then
+            Install_Private_Declarations (Par);
+            Set_Use (Private_Declarations (Spec));
+         end if;
       end Install_Spec;
    --  Start of processing for Install_Parent
@@ -6682,9 +6809,13 @@
          while Present (E1)
            and then E1 /= First_Private_Entity (Form)
+            --  Could this test be a single condition???
+            --  Seems like it could, and isn't FPE (Form) a constant anyway???
             if not Is_Internal (E1)
+              and then Present (Parent (E1))
               and then not Is_Class_Wide_Type (E1)
-              and then Present (Parent (E1))
+              and then not Is_Internal_Name (Chars (E1))
                while Present (E2)
                  and then Chars (E2) /= Chars (E1)
@@ -7941,6 +8072,8 @@
       procedure Validate_Access_Subprogram_Instance;
       procedure Validate_Access_Type_Instance;
       procedure Validate_Derived_Type_Instance;
+      procedure Validate_Derived_Interface_Type_Instance;
+      procedure Validate_Interface_Type_Instance;
       procedure Validate_Private_Type_Instance;
       --  These procedures perform validation tests for the named case
@@ -8177,6 +8310,44 @@
       end Validate_Array_Type_Instance;
+      -----------------------------------------------
+      --  Validate_Derived_Interface_Type_Instance --
+      -----------------------------------------------
+      procedure Validate_Derived_Interface_Type_Instance is
+         Par  : constant Entity_Id := Entity (Subtype_Indication (Def));
+         Elmt : Elmt_Id;
+      begin
+         --  First apply interface instance checks
+         Validate_Interface_Type_Instance;
+         --  Verify that immediate parent interface is an ancestor of
+         --  the actual.
+         if Present (Par)
+           and then  not Interface_Present_In_Ancestor (Act_T, Par)
+         then
+            Error_Msg_NE
+              ("interface actual must include progenitor&", Actual, Par);
+         end if;
+         --  Now verify that the actual includes all other ancestors of
+         --  the formal.
+         Elmt := First_Elmt (Abstract_Interfaces (A_Gen_T));
+         while Present (Elmt) loop
+            if not Interface_Present_In_Ancestor (Act_T, Node (Elmt)) then
+               Error_Msg_NE
+                 ("interface actual must include progenitor&",
+                    Actual, Node (Elmt));
+            end if;
+            Next_Elmt (Elmt);
+         end loop;
+      end Validate_Derived_Interface_Type_Instance;
       -- Validate_Derived_Type_Instance --
@@ -8186,18 +8357,18 @@
          Ancestor_Discr : Entity_Id;
-         --  If the parent type in the generic declaration is itself
-         --  a previous formal type, then it is local to the generic
-         --  and absent from the analyzed generic definition. In  that
-         --  case the ancestor is the instance of the formal (which must
-         --  have been instantiated previously), unless the ancestor is
-         --  itself a formal derived type. In this latter case (which is the
-         --  subject of Corrigendum 8652/0038 (AI-202) the ancestor of the
-         --  formals is the ancestor of its parent. Otherwise, the analyzed
-         --  generic carries the parent type. If the parent type is defined
-         --  in a previous formal package, then the scope of that formal
-         --  package is that of the generic type itself, and it has already
-         --  been mapped into the corresponding type in the actual package.
+         --  If the parent type in the generic declaration is itself a previous
+         --  formal type, then it is local to the generic and absent from the
+         --  analyzed generic definition. In that case the ancestor is the
+         --  instance of the formal (which must have been instantiated
+         --  previously), unless the ancestor is itself a formal derived type.
+         --  In this latter case (which is the subject of Corrigendum 8652/0038
+         --  (AI-202) the ancestor of the formals is the ancestor of its
+         --  parent. Otherwise, the analyzed generic carries the parent type.
+         --  If the parent type is defined in a previous formal package, then
+         --  the scope of that formal package is that of the generic type
+         --  itself, and it has already been mapped into the corresponding type
+         --  in the actual package.
          --  Common case: parent type defined outside of the generic
@@ -8396,6 +8567,33 @@
          end if;
       end Validate_Derived_Type_Instance;
+      --------------------------------------
+      -- Validate_Interface_Type_Instance --
+      --------------------------------------
+      procedure Validate_Interface_Type_Instance is
+      begin
+         if not Is_Interface (Act_T) then
+            Error_Msg_NE
+              ("actual for formal interface type must be an interface",
+                Actual, Gen_T);
+         elsif Is_Limited_Type (Act_T) /= Is_Limited_Type (A_Gen_T)
+           or else
+             Is_Task_Interface (A_Gen_T) /= Is_Task_Interface (Act_T)
+           or else
+             Is_Protected_Interface (A_Gen_T) /=
+               Is_Protected_Interface (Act_T)
+           or else
+             Is_Synchronized_Interface (A_Gen_T) /=
+               Is_Synchronized_Interface (Act_T)
+         then
+            Error_Msg_NE
+              ("actual for interface& does not match ('R'M 12.5.5(5))",
+                 Actual, Gen_T);
+         end if;
+      end Validate_Interface_Type_Instance;
       -- Validate_Private_Type_Instance --
@@ -8661,6 +8859,12 @@
               N_Access_Procedure_Definition =>
+         when N_Record_Definition           =>
+            Validate_Interface_Type_Instance;
+         when N_Derived_Type_Definition     =>
+            Validate_Derived_Interface_Type_Instance;
          when others =>
             raise Program_Error;
@@ -9116,12 +9320,16 @@
                   Install_Private_Declarations (P);
                end if;
-            --  If the ultimate parent is a compilation unit, reset its
-            --  visibility to what it was before instantiation.
+            --  If the ultimate parent is a top-level unit recorded in
+            --  Instance_Parent_Unit, then reset its visibility to what
+            --  it was before instantiation. (It's not clear what the
+            --  purpose is of testing whether Scope (P) is In_Open_Scopes,
+            --  but that test was present before the ultimate parent test
+            --  was added.???)
             elsif not In_Open_Scopes (Scope (P))
-              or else
-               (not Is_Child_Unit (P) and then not Parent_Unit_Visible)
+              or else (P = Instance_Parent_Unit
+                        and then not Parent_Unit_Visible)
                Set_Is_Immediately_Visible (P, False);
             end if;
@@ -9175,6 +9383,7 @@
       Hidden_Entities              := Saved.Hidden_Entities;
       Current_Sem_Unit             := Saved.Current_Sem_Unit;
       Parent_Unit_Visible          := Saved.Parent_Unit_Visible;
+      Instance_Parent_Unit         := Saved.Instance_Parent_Unit;
    end Restore_Env;
@@ -9584,9 +9793,7 @@
                Set_Etype  (N, Empty);
             end if;
-            if (Nkind (Parent (N)) = N_Package_Instantiation
-                 or else Nkind (Parent (N)) = N_Function_Instantiation
-                 or else Nkind (Parent (N)) = N_Procedure_Instantiation)
+            if Nkind (Parent (N)) in N_Generic_Instantiation
               and then N = Name (Parent (N))
                Save_Global_Defaults (Parent (N), Parent (N2));
@@ -9595,7 +9802,6 @@
          elsif Nkind (Parent (N)) = N_Selected_Component
            and then Nkind (Parent (N2)) = N_Expanded_Name
             if Is_Global (Entity (Parent (N2))) then
                Change_Selected_Component_To_Expanded_Name (Parent (N));
                Set_Associated_Node (Parent (N), Parent (N2));
@@ -9626,11 +9832,7 @@
                end if;
             end if;
-            if (Nkind (Parent (Parent (N))) = N_Package_Instantiation
-                 or else Nkind (Parent (Parent (N)))
-                   = N_Function_Instantiation
-                 or else Nkind (Parent (Parent (N)))
-                   = N_Procedure_Instantiation)
+            if Nkind (Parent (Parent (N))) in N_Generic_Instantiation
               and then Parent (N) = Name (Parent (Parent (N)))
@@ -10054,6 +10256,11 @@
+               Loc  : constant Source_Ptr := Sloc (N);
+               Qual : Node_Id := Empty;
+               Typ  : Entity_Id := Empty;
+               Nam  : Node_Id;
                use Atree.Unchecked_Access;
                --  This code section is part of implementing an untyped tree
                --  traversal, so it needs direct access to node fields.
@@ -10065,11 +10272,66 @@
                   N2 := Get_Associated_Node (N);
+                  if No (N2) then
+                     Typ := Empty;
+                  else
+                     Typ := Etype (N2);
+                     --  In an instance within a generic, use the name of
+                     --  the actual and not the original generic parameter.
+                     --  If the actual is global in the current generic it
+                     --  must be preserved for its instantiation.
+                     if Nkind (Parent (Typ)) = N_Subtype_Declaration
+                       and then
+                         Present (Generic_Parent_Type (Parent (Typ)))
+                     then
+                        Typ := Base_Type (Typ);
+                        Set_Etype (N2, Typ);
+                     end if;
+                  end if;
                   if No (N2)
-                    or else No (Etype (N2))
-                    or else not Is_Global (Etype (N2))
+                    or else No (Typ)
+                    or else not Is_Global (Typ)
                      Set_Associated_Node (N, Empty);
+                     --  If the aggregate is an actual in a call, it has been
+                     --  resolved in the current context, to some local type.
+                     --  The enclosing call may have been disambiguated by
+                     --  the aggregate, and this disambiguation might fail at
+                     --  instantiation time because the type to which the
+                     --  aggregate did resolve is not preserved. In order to
+                     --  preserve some of this information, we wrap the
+                     --  aggregate in a qualified expression, using the id of
+                     --  its type. For further disambiguation we qualify the
+                     --  type name with its scope (if visible) because both
+                     --  id's will have corresponding entities in an instance.
+                     --  This resolves most of the problems with missing type
+                     --  information on aggregates in instances.
+                     if Nkind (N2) = Nkind (N)
+                       and then
+                         (Nkind (Parent (N2)) = N_Procedure_Call_Statement
+                           or else Nkind (Parent (N2)) = N_Function_Call)
+                       and then Comes_From_Source (Typ)
+                     then
+                        if Is_Immediately_Visible (Scope (Typ)) then
+                           Nam := Make_Selected_Component (Loc,
+                             Prefix =>
+                               Make_Identifier (Loc, Chars (Scope (Typ))),
+                             Selector_Name =>
+                               Make_Identifier (Loc, Chars (Typ)));
+                        else
+                           Nam := Make_Identifier (Loc, Chars (Typ));
+                        end if;
+                        Qual :=
+                          Make_Qualified_Expression (Loc,
+                            Subtype_Mark => Nam,
+                            Expression => Relocate_Node (N));
+                     end if;
                   end if;
                   Save_Global_Descendant (Field1 (N));
@@ -10077,6 +10339,10 @@
                   Save_Global_Descendant (Field3 (N));
                   Save_Global_Descendant (Field5 (N));
+                  if Present (Qual) then
+                     Rewrite (N, Qual);
+                  end if;
                --  All other cases than aggregates

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