asm-reg stuff

Paolo Bonzini
Wed Sep 29 14:13:00 GMT 2004

> > AFAIK "clobber" is just a synonym for "modify the contents of", but
> > indeed to a gcc hacker that is not a native English speaker, "clobber"
> > sounds like a strictly gcc-ish term.
> I thought the main (only?) meaning of "to clobber" is like hitting someone very
> hard, so I proposed use a plain, regular English term.


WordNet Dictionary
1. clobber - strike violently and repeatedly; "She clobbered the man who 
tried to attack her"
Synonyms: baste, batter

2. clobber - beat thoroughly in a competition or fight; "We licked the 
other team on Sunday!"
Synonyms: drub, lick, bat, thrash

Dictionary of Computing
clobber - To overwrite, usually unintentionally: "I walked off the end 
of the array and clobbered the stack."

> Yes, we have everything needed in the trees to emit a proper diagnostic. I was
> wondering if we still have all those infos later deep into the
> middle-/back-ends (assuming the problem is still actual in that testcase)

Yes, we have it.  Surely it is needed for GCSE, probably even later.


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