analysis of libiberty/cp-demangle.c for libsupc++/__cxa_demangle

Ian Lance Taylor
Wed Feb 25 16:45:00 GMT 2004

Carlo Wood <> writes:

> Thanks for the "nice" times at gcc, I am out of here.
> I will not do anything ever again for the FSF or libstdc++ in
> particularly.  And Ian, if you just-like-that without any
> discussion or approval start to remove my code - then make
> sure you get my copyright assignment undone too!  I want my
> code back - completely.

Carlo, my apologies.  I didn't remove your code.  I responded to a
request from Mark to put together a patch for the 3.4 branch based on
a patch from Benjamin's patch.  Benjamin's patch did remove your code,
and the patch I put together removes your code too.

That patch has not been approved or applied.  The part of it which
removes your demangler was not written by me.

I'm already on record as saying that on balance I think your demangler
should remain in libstdc++:

Speaking to the issue of the copyright assignment, I think you'll
find, if you read it, that you never lost your code.  Unless the
copyright assignments have changed, they include language along the
lines of ``the Foundation agrees to grant me non-exclusive rights to
use the Work (i.e. my changes and enhancements, not the package which
I enhanced) as I see fit; (and the Foundation's rights shall otherwise
continue unchanged).''

As to whether you can unwrap the copyright assignment entirely, I have
no idea.


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