patch: split complex arguments (heads up)

Aldy Hernandez
Wed Jun 4 00:06:00 GMT 2003

>         /* 32-bit is OK since it'll go in r3/r4.  */
> !       if (TARGET_32BIT
> ! 	  && GET_MODE_BITSIZE (mode) > 32)
>   	return gen_rtx_REG (mode, regno);
>       }

Crap, that should be "GET_MODE_BITSIZE (**INNER**) > 32".

It's way too late to have started working at 6am.  I'm done for the day.

If this one ain't right, I'll fix it tomorrow.

2003-06-03  Aldy Hernandez  <>

	* config/rs6000/rs6000.c (rs6000_complex_function_value): Unpack
	complex numbers <= 32 bits into two registers.

Index: config/rs6000/rs6000.c
RCS file: /cvs/gcc/gcc/gcc/config/rs6000/rs6000.c,v
retrieving revision 1.482
diff -c -p -r1.482 rs6000.c
*** config/rs6000/rs6000.c	3 Jun 2003 11:14:06 -0000	1.482
--- config/rs6000/rs6000.c	4 Jun 2003 00:04:42 -0000
*************** rs6000_complex_function_value (enum mach
*** 14378,14384 ****
         regno = GP_ARG_RETURN;

         /* 32-bit is OK since it'll go in r3/r4.  */
!       if (TARGET_32BIT)
   	return gen_rtx_REG (mode, regno);

--- 14378,14385 ----
         regno = GP_ARG_RETURN;

         /* 32-bit is OK since it'll go in r3/r4.  */
!       if (TARGET_32BIT
! 	  && GET_MODE_BITSIZE (inner) > 32)
   	return gen_rtx_REG (mode, regno);

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