Support for %d$c format specifier in diagnostics.c

Mon Jul 21 09:41:00 GMT 2003

Gabriel Dos Reis wrote:
> Ishikawa <> writes:
> [...]
> |    The proposed patch is not thread-safe.  But thread-safety is not
> |    required in this particular case.  The new routine uses a
> |    statically assigned array to store argument info.  (It won't be
> I've worked to eliminate globals and local statics from the diagnostic
> framework, please in a revised patch don't introduce any.  Consider
> for example making the array a member of the output_buffer structure.

Will do in the next cut against the mainline CVS.

> |
> |    I found out that precision for integer print implicitly defines the
> |    used type (%d, %ld, %lld, ... ).
> implicitly?  The are listed explicitly.
> |    output_integer_with_precision() macro uses the following
> |    precision/types.
> |
> |       %d   %u
> |       %ld  %lu
> |       %lld %llu
> there are also %wd and %wu

My wording was inappropriate.
"Precision defines the argument width by specifiying the used type."
is more appropriate.

> |     Routines in diagnostic.c requires prior envrionment initialization
> |     and I was not quite sure how to do that. Also, I found out
> |     that diagnostic.o requires linking of various
> |     modules.

> Currently, there are "tree"-bits there.  I'm working on removing those
> dependencies.  diagnostic.c should not be a place where people should
> put bits when they don't have an idea where to put them.

It then would be easier to write a standalone test program.
> [...]
> | [] Implementation Strategy.
> |
> |     To support the above, we need to scan the whole format string to find
> |     out the type of each i-th value passed to output_format.
> |
> |     So when we see ONE format specifier in the form of %1$d format (1
> |     could be 2, 3, 4...), we scan the whole format string and we build an
> |     internal array that defines the type of i-th argument.  Afterward we
> |     scan the argument list and record the value of argument themselves.
> |
> |     (UNLESS one such reference to a format specifier in the form of
> |     %n$c is done, we won't have the overhead of the array construction.)
> |
> |     Requirements/Caution:
> |
> |     The size of paramaters pushed on the stack can vary (say, int vs long
> |     long, and/or 64 bits pointer vs 32 bit int, etc.), so we must KNOW the
> |     size of each argument before constructing the argument value
> |     list.  (This is why we use a two pass algorithm below.  one for the
> |     format string to look for the type of each argument,
> |     and then the scan of the argument list itself for the value.)
> We should simply require that the type of "n" in "%n%c" be an int.
> That simplifies varibility in precision and other kind of can of worms.

Hmm.  I am not sure if I understood you correctly, but this assumption
is what I have made during developing the patch.
> |     Passing the correct types in the format string is and has always been
> |     the responsibility of the caller.
> Sure, but now, we got a format-checker.  You might want to coordinate
> that part with Kaveh.

I posted a reply to Kaveh in which I mention that
this positional parameter such as "%1$s" is very unlikely to
appear in the SOURCE file, and mainly used inside PO files.
In that case, the format checker doesn't need the
support for this immediately.

> Your patch would probably for the complete removal of xxx_with_decl,
> or else you get another level of complication.

I will find out about this xxx_with_decl().

> [...]
> |     BTW, Does anyone use the format_decoder function?
> Yes, a lots.


int main(void){int j=2003;/*(c)2003 cishikawa. */
char t[] ="<CI> @abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz.,\n\"";
char *i ="g>qtCIuqivb,gCwe\np@.ietCIuqi\"tqkvv is>dnamz";
while(*i)((j+=strchr(t,*i++)-(int)t),(j%=sizeof t-1),
(putchar(t[j])));return 0;}/* under GPL */

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