Don't inline if would lose /u on BLKmode target

Richard Kenner
Mon Apr 14 21:33:00 GMT 2003

We can't do RTL inlining if we'd lose RTX_UNCHANGING_P on the target, which
will happen if it's set and we're passing the address of the RTL.

Tested on i686-pc-linux-gnu.

An Ada test case is:

with Ada.Text_Io;

package body Identifiers is

   function Get_Identifier (
      Class : in Class_Type;
      Data  : in Data_Type;
      Tag   : in Natural) return Identifier_Type is
      return (
         Class_Field => Class,
         Data_Field  => Data,
         Tag_Field   => Tag);
   end Get_Identifier;

   function Identifier_Image (Identifier : in Identifier_Type) return String is
      Ada.Text_Io.Put_Line ("within Identifiers.Identifier_Image.");
      Ada.Text_Io.Put_Line (
         "class_field = " & Integer'Image (Class_Type'Pos (Identifier.Class_Field)));
      Ada.Text_Io.Put_Line (
         "Data_field = " & Integer'Image (Data_Type'Pos (Identifier.Data_Field)));
      Ada.Text_Io.Put_Line (
         "Tag_field = " & Natural'Image (Identifier.Tag_Field));
      return "(" & Class_Type'Image (Identifier.Class_Field) & ", " &
                   Data_Type'Image  (Identifier.Data_Field) & "," &
                   Natural'Image    (Identifier.Tag_Field) & ")";
   end Identifier_Image;

end Identifiers;

package Identifiers is

   type Class_Type is ( Universal, Application, Context_Specific, Privat );
   type Data_Type  is ( Primitive, Constructed );
   type Identifier_Type is private;

   function Get_Identifier (
      Class : in Class_Type;
      Data  : in Data_Type;
      Tag   : in Natural) return Identifier_Type;
   pragma Inline (Get_Identifier);

   function Identifier_Image (Identifier : in Identifier_Type) return String;


   type Identifier_Type is
      Class_Field : Class_Type;
      Data_Field  : Data_Type;
      Tag_Field   : Natural;
   end record;

end Identifiers;

with Ada.Exceptions;
with Identifiers;

pragma Elaborate_All (Ada.Exceptions);
pragma Elaborate_All (Identifiers);

with Ada.Text_IO;

package body Requests is

   type Request_Identifier_Table is array (Request_Kind) of

   Request_Identifiers : constant Request_Identifier_Table := (
      Request_1 => Identifiers.Get_Identifier (
                      Class => Identifiers.Application,
                      Data  => Identifiers.Primitive,
                      Tag   => 9));

   function Request_Identifier (Kind : Request_Kind)
      return Identifiers.Identifier_Type is
      return Request_Identifiers (Kind);
   end Request_Identifier;

   procedure Send_Request (Request_Type : in Request_Kind) is
      Ada.Text_Io.Put_Line (
         Identifiers.Identifier_Image (Request_Identifier (Request_Type)));
      when Exception_Raised : others =>
         Ada.Text_Io.Put_Line (
            Ada.Exceptions.Exception_Information (Exception_Raised));
   end Send_Request;

end Requests;

package Requests is

   type Request_Kind is (Request_1);

   procedure Send_Request (Request_Type : in Request_Kind);

end Requests;
with Requests;

pragma Elaborate_All (Requests);

procedure Test_Request is
   Requests.Send_Request (Requests.Request_1);
end Test_Request;

2003-04-14  Richard Kenner  <>

	* integrate.c (expand_inline_function): Don't inline if would
	lose /u on a BLKmode TARGET.

*** gcc/integrate.c	2 Mar 2003 21:18:14 -0000	1.215
--- gcc/integrate.c	11 Apr 2003 20:17:16 -0000
*************** expand_inline_function (fndecl, parms, t
*** 737,740 ****
--- 737,748 ----
+   /* If there is a TARGET which is a readonly BLKmode MEM and DECL_RESULT
+      is also a mem, we are going to lose the readonly on the stores, so don't
+      inline.  */
+   if (target != 0 && GET_CODE (target) == MEM && GET_MODE (target) == BLKmode
+       && RTX_UNCHANGING_P (target) && DECL_RTL_SET_P (DECL_RESULT (fndecl))
+       && GET_CODE (DECL_RTL (DECL_RESULT (fndecl))) == MEM)
+     return (rtx) (size_t) -1;
    /* Extra arguments are valid, but will be ignored below, so we must
       evaluate them here for side-effects.  */

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