Document complete list of required locales for libstdc++ test suite

Zack Weinberg
Thu Apr 10 05:31:00 GMT 2003

Here's a patch I was asked to write, oog, a month ago.  The W3C
validator likes the result.


        * docs/html/install.html: Document complete list of locales
        required by test suite.  Document procedure for installing
        said locales under Debian.  Solicit instructions for other
        operating systems.

Index: docs/html/install.html
--- docs/html/install.html	13 Mar 2003 18:26:23 -0000	1.24
+++ docs/html/install.html	10 Apr 2003 05:29:20 -0000
@@ -111,9 +111,27 @@
       If the 'gnu' locale model is being used, the following locales
-      are used and tested in the libstdc++ testsuites: en_HK, en_US,
-      fr_FR, fr_FR@euro, de_DE, de_DE@euro, ja_JP.eucjp, es_MX, en_PH,
-      and it_IT. Failure to have the underlying "C" library locale
+      are used and tested in the libstdc++ testsuites.  The first column
+      is the name of the locale, the second is the character set it is
+      expected to use.
+      </p>
+de_DE               ISO-8859-1
+de_DE@euro          ISO-8859-15
+en_HK               ISO-8859-1
+en_PH               ISO-8859-1
+en_US               ISO-8859-1
+en_US.ISO-8859-1    ISO-8859-1
+en_US.ISO-8859-15   ISO-8859-15
+en_US.UTF-8         UTF-8
+es_MX               ISO-8859-1
+fr_FR               ISO-8859-1
+fr_FR@euro          ISO-8859-15
+it_IT               ISO-8859-1
+ja_JP.eucjp         EUC-JP
+se_NO.UTF-8         UTF-8
+      <p>Failure to have the underlying "C" library locale
       information installed will mean that C++ named locales for the
       above regions will not work: because of this, the libstdc++
       testsuite will not pass the named locale tests. If this isn't an
@@ -123,17 +141,34 @@
-      <p> To install
-      support for locales, do only one of the following: </p>
+      <p>To install support for locales, do only one of the following:
+      </p>
         <li> install all locales
+          <ul>
+            <li>with RedHat Linux:
         <p> <code> export LC_ALL=C </code> </p>
         <p> <code> rpm -e glibc-common --nodeps </code> </p>
         <p> <code> rpm -i --define "_install_langs all"
                    glibc-common-2.2.5-34.i386.rpm </code> </p>
+             </li>
+             <li> (instructions for other operating systems solicited) </li>
+          </ul>
         <li> install just the necessary locales
+          <ul>
+            <li>with Debian Linux:
+        <p> Add the above list, as shown, to the file
+            <code>/etc/locale.gen</code> </p>
+        <p> run <code>/usr/sbin/locale-gen</code> </p>
+            </li>
+            <li> on most Unix-like operating systems:
         <p> <code> localedef -i de_DE -f ISO-8859-1 de_DE </code> </p>
+        <p> (repeat for each entry in the above list) </p>
+            </li>
+            <li> (instructions for other operating systems solicited) </li>
+          </ul>

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