fix gcc.dg/20010912-1.c on alpha

Richard Henderson
Tue May 28 04:34:00 GMT 2002

Since the switch to the generic select_section, we've no longer
been putting tiny strings in .sdata.  Which honestly doesn't
seem like the worst of ideas since merging duplicate strings
is probably more important.


        * config/alpha/alpha.c (alpha_in_small_data_p): Return false for

Index: alpha.c
RCS file: /cvs/gcc/gcc/gcc/config/alpha/alpha.c,v
retrieving revision 1.254
diff -c -p -d -r1.254 alpha.c
*** alpha.c	23 May 2002 23:37:00 -0000	1.254
--- alpha.c	28 May 2002 08:38:21 -0000
*************** static bool
*** 1584,1589 ****
--- 1584,1593 ----
  alpha_in_small_data_p (exp)
       tree exp;
+   /* We want to merge strings, so we never consider them small data.  */
+   if (TREE_CODE (exp) == STRING_CST)
+     return false;
    if (TREE_CODE (exp) == VAR_DECL && DECL_SECTION_NAME (exp))
        const char *section = TREE_STRING_POINTER (DECL_SECTION_NAME (exp));

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