3.2 PATCH: Fully support parallel gnat1/gnatbind builds

David Starner starner@okstate.edu
Sat May 25 01:55:00 GMT 2002

At 08:17 PM 5/24/02 -0400, Robert Dewar wrote:
>That's because we wanted to make it IMPOSSIBLE for people to introduce
>code that generated warnings.

If autoconf turned -gnaty on for the most recent compiler, that would still 
be the
case, or practically so.

>We find this a very useful discipline, and
>not one that we would discard lightly just to solve one bootstrap path
>problem that
>a) can easily enough be solved by the reasonable requirement of using 3.1
>to compile 3.2

It's interesting that C will bootstrap on pretty much any junk C compiler
someone might want to use, but Ada requires one specific version of
one compiler, and that's reasonable.

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