RFC & patch: Rework MIPS command-line handling

cgd@broadcom.com cgd@broadcom.com
Sat Jul 13 00:56:00 GMT 2002

At Fri, 12 Jul 2002 19:43:56 +0000 (UTC), "Maciej W. Rozycki" wrote:
>  With 32-bit addresses, I assume, as relocations used for o32 don't fit
> 64-bit addressing well, right?  If so, that's the same as o32 from the
> binutils' point of view -- only gcc would generate different code. 

32-bit or 64-bit addresses (-mlong64 or not).

obviously you only get 32-bit addresses (sign extended to 64) in your
object files, but e.g. you might strongly want 64-bit addresse
constants for e.g. accessing devices in xkphys.


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