[PATCH] Fix -save-temps from clobbering input file@apple.com

degger@fhm.edu degger@fhm.edu
Tue Oct 30 16:04:00 GMT 2001

On 30 Oct, Ira Ruben wrote:

> But that isn't the issue.  IMO, the compiler never has a "right" to 
> implicitly clobber user files.

I tend to disagree here. The user should be grown up enough to decide
what the computer should do and what not. You could argue the same about
object files, they're also implicitely clobbered by gcc when using the
-c switch but that's exactly what one expects. When I use -save-temps
(which in fact I do very often to check the produced assembly) then
I know that it'll wipe away all .i, .s, and .ii files and if I need them
(for example to produce diffs) I have to back them up. I would find it
quite disgusting to notice that gcc -save-temps doesn't overwrite .s
files because they are already existant from the last run....


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