[Ada] Removing external addr2line depedency

Lutz Donnerhacke lutz@iks-jena.de
Thu Oct 18 13:21:00 GMT 2001

* Lutz Donnerhacke wrote:
>I'll send the diff when the cvs server reduced the load.

So back at home:
Two parts: First the patch and than a new file.
Index: gcc/ada/g-trasym.ads
RCS file: /cvs/gcc/gcc/gcc/ada/g-trasym.ads,v
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -r1.2 g-trasym.ads
--- g-trasym.ads	2001/10/04 17:50:42	1.2
+++ g-trasym.ads	2001/10/18 18:51:08
@@ -42,9 +42,10 @@
 --  is used to build a symbolic traceback.
 with Ada.Exceptions; use Ada.Exceptions;
+with Ada.Command_Line;
 package GNAT.Traceback.Symbolic is
-pragma Elaborate_Body (Traceback.Symbolic);
+   pragma Elaborate_Body (Traceback.Symbolic);
    -- Symbolic_Traceback --
@@ -57,4 +58,23 @@
    --  Build a string containing a symbolic traceback of the given exception
    --  occurrence.
+   -----------------------
+   -- Symbol_at_Address --
+   -----------------------
+   function Symbol_at_Address (
+     addr : System.Address;
+     file : String := Ada.Command_Line.Command_Name;
+     source_sep : String := (1 => ASCII.HT);
+     line_sep   : String := ":";
+     incomplete : String := "<unknown>";
+     function_first : Boolean := False
+   ) return String;
+   --  Build a string containing the symbolic name (function, sourcefile,
+   --  and line number) of the code the addr points to in the given file.
+   --  Layout depends on function_first and is either:
+   --   function_name & source_sep & source_file & line_sep & line_number
+   --  or
+   --   source_file & line_sep & line_number & source_sep & function_name
+   --  Incomplete information is substituted by incomplete string.  If no
+   --  debug information is available at all, Image(addr) is returned.
 end GNAT.Traceback.Symbolic;
Index: gcc/ada/g-trasym.adb
RCS file: /cvs/gcc/gcc/gcc/ada/g-trasym.adb,v
retrieving revision 1.1
diff -u -r1.1 g-trasym.adb
--- g-trasym.adb	2001/10/02 14:15:35	1.1
+++ g-trasym.adb	2001/10/18 18:51:08
@@ -34,46 +34,31 @@
 --  Run-time symbolic traceback support
-with System.Soft_Links;
+with System.Soft_Links, Ada.Finalization;
+with System.Storage_Elements, Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation;
+with Interfaces.C.Strings;
 with Ada.Exceptions.Traceback; use Ada.Exceptions.Traceback;
+use System.Storage_Elements, System;
 package body GNAT.Traceback.Symbolic is
-   pragma Linker_Options ("-laddr2line");
    pragma Linker_Options ("-lbfd");
    pragma Linker_Options ("-liberty");
    package TSL renames System.Soft_Links;
+   package C renames Interfaces.C;
+   package CS renames Interfaces.C.Strings;
    -- Symbolic_Traceback --
    function Symbolic_Traceback (Traceback : Tracebacks_Array) return String is
-      procedure convert_addresses
-        (addrs    : System.Address;
-         n_addr   : Integer;
-         buf      : System.Address;
-         len      : System.Address);
-      pragma Import (C, convert_addresses, "convert_addresses");
-      --  This is the procedure version of the Ada aware addr2line that will
-      --  use argv[0] as the executable containing the debug information.
-      --  This procedure is provided by libaddr2line on targets that support
-      --  it. A dummy version is in a-adaint.c for other targets so that build
-      --  of shared libraries doesn't generate unresolved symbols.
-      --
-      --  Note that this procedure is *not* thread-safe.
-      Res : String (1 .. 256 * Traceback'Length);
-      Len : Integer;
       if Traceback'Length > 0 then
-         TSL.Lock_Task.all;
-         convert_addresses
-           (Traceback'Address, Traceback'Length, Res (1)'Address, Len'Address);
-         TSL.Unlock_Task.all;
-         return Res (1 .. Len);
+         return Symbol_at_Address (Traceback (Traceback'First)) & ASCII.LF &
+           Symbolic_Traceback
+             (Traceback (Traceback'First + 1 .. Traceback'Last));
          return "";
       end if;
@@ -84,4 +69,223 @@
       return Symbolic_Traceback (Tracebacks (E));
    end Symbolic_Traceback;
+   -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+   --  Reimplementation of the former addr2line function by calling libbfd
+   --  directly.  Unfortunly several values are located in bfd.h only, not
+   --  importable from libbfd.  Especially the redirect macro BFD_SEND can
+   --  not catched by Ada.  Futhermore needed enums are common subjects of
+   --  change, so hardcoding the values causes more problems.  OTOH coding
+   --  everything in C may cause memory leaks if not all finalizations are
+   --  exported to C, too.  That's why dynamic memory should be handled by
+   --  Ada only.  In consequence only a small C-helper object was written.
+   -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+   type Bfd_Pointer is new System.Address;
+   No_Bfd : constant Bfd_Pointer := Bfd_Pointer (Null_Address);
+   type Storage_Pointer is access Storage_Array;
+   type Bfd_Data (file_len : Positive) is
+   new Ada.Finalization.Limited_Controlled with record
+      bfd   : Bfd_Pointer := No_Bfd;
+      syms  : Storage_Pointer := null;
+      file  : String (Positive'First .. file_len);
+   end record;
+   procedure Initialize (bfd : in out Bfd_Data);
+   procedure Finalize   (bfd : in out Bfd_Data);
+   type Bfd_Access is access Bfd_Data;
+   procedure Finalize (bfd : in out Bfd_Data) is
+      --  Frees a bfd structure.  Closes the open filedescriptor, too.
+      --  Returns true if everything was fine. (Ignored in this case.)
+      function bfd_close (bfd : Bfd_Pointer) return Boolean;
+      pragma Import (C, bfd_close, "bfd_close");
+      procedure free is
+         new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation (Storage_Array, Storage_Pointer);
+      dummy : Boolean;
+   begin
+      if bfd.syms /= null then
+         free (bfd.syms);
+         bfd.syms := null;
+      end if;
+      if bfd.bfd /= No_Bfd then
+         dummy   := bfd_close (bfd.bfd);
+         bfd.bfd := No_Bfd;
+      end if;
+   end Finalize;
+   --  A global variable enshured that libbfd is only initialized once.
+   bfd_initialized : Boolean := False;
+   procedure Initialize (bfd : in out Bfd_Data) is
+      --  initialize libbfd.  Must be called first.
+      procedure bfd_init;
+      pragma Import (C, bfd_init, "bfd_init");
+      --  Open filename for reading debug information.
+      --  knowntargetname can be Null_Address, if target is unknown.
+      --  Returns a freshly malloced bfd structure.
+      function bfd_openr
+        (filename : C.char_array; knowntargetname : CS.chars_ptr)
+        return Bfd_Pointer;
+      pragma Import (C, bfd_openr, "bfd_openr");
+      --  Binaries are considered as archives.  Imported from the helper file.
+      bfd_archive : Integer;
+      pragma Import (C, bfd_archive, "__gnat_bfd_archive");
+      --  Fill the bfd structure according to the chosen target.
+      --  Returns true if the format could be unabigiously determined.
+      function bfd_check_format
+        (bfd : Bfd_Pointer; format : Integer := bfd_archive)
+        return Boolean;
+      pragma Import (C, bfd_check_format, "bfd_check_format");
+      --  returns the estimated size of the symol table. FIXME: negative?
+      function bfd_get_symtab_upper_bound (bfd : Bfd_Pointer)
+        return Storage_Offset;
+      pragma Import (C, bfd_get_symtab_upper_bound,
+        "bfd_get_symtab_upper_bound");
+      --  Reads the symbols in the provided table and returns the symbol count.
+      --  Providing syms as a Storage_Array instead of Storage_Pointer enshures
+      --  correct calling convention to C.
+      function bfd_canonicalize_symtab
+        (bfd : Bfd_Pointer; syms : Storage_Array) return Integer;
+      pragma Import (C, bfd_canonicalize_symtab, "bfd_canonicalize_symtab");
+   begin
+      if not bfd_initialized then
+         bfd_init;
+         bfd_initialized := True;
+      end if;
+      bfd.bfd := bfd_openr (C.To_C (bfd.file), CS.Null_Ptr);
+      if bfd.bfd /= No_Bfd or else not bfd_check_format (bfd.bfd) then
+         Finalize (bfd);
+      end if;
+      if bfd.bfd /= No_Bfd then
+         bfd.syms :=
+           new Storage_Array (1 .. bfd_get_symtab_upper_bound (bfd.bfd));
+         if bfd.syms'Length = 0
+           or else bfd_canonicalize_symtab (bfd.bfd, bfd.syms.all) <= 0 then
+            Finalize (bfd);
+         end if;
+      end if;
+   end Initialize;
+   -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+   --  Locking requires unlock after exit.  In functions returning limited
+   --  or unconstraint data it is hard to determine the data first and re-
+   --  turn it after unlocking.  Futhermore exception handling requires an
+   --  intelligent programming in order to catch all possible cases.  This
+   --  controlled type solves this problem in a real Ada manner.
+   -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+   type Lock_Task_Automatically is
+     new Ada.Finalization.Limited_Controlled with null record;
+   procedure Initialize (l : in out Lock_Task_Automatically);
+   procedure Finalize   (l : in out Lock_Task_Automatically);
+   procedure Initialize (l : in out Lock_Task_Automatically) is
+   begin
+      TSL.Lock_Task.all;
+   end Initialize;
+   procedure Finalize (l : in out Lock_Task_Automatically) is
+   begin
+      TSL.Unlock_Task.all;
+   end Finalize;
+   -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+   --  Returns a string describing the source code information at addr. If
+   --  debug information is not available, addr is returned literally. The
+   --  routine requires the global variable current_bfd, in order to limit
+   --  the bfd instantiation to only necessary cases.
+   -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+   current_bfd : Bfd_Access := null;
+   function Symbol_at_Address (
+     addr : System.Address;
+     file : String := Ada.Command_Line.Command_Name;
+     source_sep : String := (1 => ASCII.HT);
+     line_sep   : String := ":";
+     incomplete : String := "<unknown>";
+     function_first : Boolean := False
+   ) return String is
+      --  Passive iterator from libbfd.  data is a pointer to extern status
+      --  data passed to the action function on each invocation.
+      procedure bfd_map_over_sections (bdf : Bfd_Pointer;
+        action : System.Address; data : System.Address);
+      pragma Import (C, bfd_map_over_sections, "bfd_map_over_sections");
+      function_name, source_file, line_number : CS.chars_ptr := CS.Null_Ptr;
+      use type CS.chars_ptr;
+      function get (p : CS.chars_ptr) return String;
+      function bfd_get_section_vma
+        (section : System.Address) return System.Address;
+      pragma Import (C, bfd_get_section_vma,
+        "__gnat_bfd_get_section_vma");
+      function bfd_section_size
+        (bfd : Bfd_Pointer; section : System.Address) return Storage_Offset;
+      pragma Import (C, bfd_section_size, "__gnat_bfd_section_size");
+      function bfd_find_nearest_line (bfd : Bfd_Pointer;
+        section : System.Address; syms : Storage_Array; offs : Storage_Offset;
+        func_name, file_name, line_num : System.Address) return Boolean;
+      pragma Import (C, bfd_find_nearest_line, "bfd_find_nearest_line");
+      procedure For_Each_Section (bfd  : Bfd_Pointer;
+        section : System.Address; data : System.Address);
+      function get (p : CS.chars_ptr) return String is
+      begin
+         if p = CS.Null_Ptr then
+            return incomplete;
+         else
+            return CS.Value (p);
+         end if;
+      end get;
+      procedure For_Each_Section (bfd  : Bfd_Pointer;
+        section : System.Address; data : System.Address) is
+         min : System.Address := bfd_get_section_vma (section);
+         len : Storage_Offset := bfd_section_size (bfd, section);
+      begin
+         if source_file = CS.Null_Ptr and then
+           function_name = CS.Null_Ptr and then
+           data >= min and then data <= min + len and then
+           not bfd_find_nearest_line (bfd, section, current_bfd.syms.all,
+             addr - min, function_name'Address,
+             source_file'Address, line_number'Address) then
+            function_name := CS.Null_Ptr;
+            source_file   := CS.Null_Ptr;
+            line_number   := CS.Null_Ptr;
+         end if;
+      end For_Each_Section;
+      lock : Lock_Task_Automatically;
+      pragma Warnings (Off, lock);  --  suppress unreferenced warning
+   begin
+      if current_bfd = null then
+         current_bfd := new Bfd_Data (file'Length);
+         current_bfd.file := file;
+      end if;
+      if current_bfd.bfd /= No_Bfd then
+         bfd_map_over_sections (current_bfd.bfd,
+           For_Each_Section'Address, addr);
+         if source_file /= CS.Null_Ptr or function_name /= CS.Null_Ptr then
+            if function_first then
+               return get (function_name) & source_sep &
+                 get (source_file) & line_sep & get (line_number);
+            else
+               return get (source_file) & line_sep & get (line_number) &
+                 source_sep & get (function_name);
+            end if;
+         end if;
+      end if;
+      return Integer_Address'Image (To_Integer (addr));
+   end Symbol_at_Address;
 end GNAT.Traceback.Symbolic;
Index: gcc/ada/Makefile.in
RCS file: /cvs/gcc/gcc/gcc/ada/Makefile.in,v
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -u -r1.3 Makefile.in
--- Makefile.in	2001/10/08 23:46:22	1.3
+++ Makefile.in	2001/10/18 18:51:12
@@ -1077,7 +1077,7 @@
   THREADSLIB=-lposix4 -lthread
-  MISCLIB=-laddr2line -lbfd -lposix4 -lnsl -lsocket
+  MISCLIB=-lbfd -lposix4 -lnsl -lsocket
@@ -1170,7 +1170,7 @@
-  MISCLIB=-laddr2line -lbfd
+  MISCLIB=-lbfd
@@ -1262,7 +1262,7 @@
   EXTRA_GNATRTL_TASKING_OBJS=s-tpgetc.o a-tcbinf.o
-  MISCLIB=-lexc -laddr2line -lbfd
+  MISCLIB=-lexc -lbfd
   LIBRARY_VERSION := $(strip $(shell grep Library_Version $(fsrcpfx)gnatvsn.ads | sed -e 's/.*GNAT Lib v\(.*\)[ "].*/\1/'))
@@ -1447,7 +1447,7 @@
   g-soccon.ads<3asoccon.ads \
-  MISCLIB=-laddr2line -lbfd
+  MISCLIB=-lbfd
   THREADSLIB=-lpthread -lmach -lexc -lrt
   LIBRARY_VERSION := $(strip $(shell grep Library_Version $(fsrcpfx)gnatvsn.ads | sed -e 's/.*GNAT Lib v\(.*\)[ "].*/\1/'))
@@ -1488,7 +1488,7 @@
   g-soliop.ads<3wsoliop.ads \
-  MISCLIB = -laddr2line -lbfd -lwsock32
+  MISCLIB =-lbfd -lwsock32
   EXTRA_GNATTOOLS = ../gnatdll$(exeext)
@@ -1510,11 +1510,11 @@
 LIBGNAT_SRCS = ada.h adaint.c adaint.h argv.c cio.c cstreams.c \
   errno.c exit.c cal.c \
   raise.h raise.c sysdep.c types.h io-aux.c init.c \
-  final.c tracebak.c expect.c $(EXTRA_LIBGNAT_SRCS)
+  final.c tracebak.c tracesym.c expect.c $(EXTRA_LIBGNAT_SRCS)
 LIBGNAT_OBJS = adaint.o argv.o cio.o cstreams.o errno.o exit.o \
   raise.o sysdep.o io-aux.o init.o cal.o final.o \
-  tracebak.o expect.o ../../prefix.o $(EXTRA_LIBGNAT_OBJS)
+  tracebak.o tracesym.o expect.o ../../prefix.o $(EXTRA_LIBGNAT_OBJS)
 # NOTE ??? - when the -I option for compiling Ada code is made to work,
 #  the library installation will change and there will be a
@@ -1882,6 +1882,7 @@
   s-wwdenu.o \
   s-wwdwch.o \
   system.o \
+  tracesym.o \
@@ -2539,18 +2540,19 @@
 	$(CC) -c $(ALL_CFLAGS) $(ADA_CFLAGS) \
 	         $(ALL_CPPFLAGS) $(INCLUDES) -fno-omit-frame-pointer $<
-expect.o  : expect.c
-io-aux.o    : io-aux.c
-argv.o    : argv.c
-cal.o     : cal.c
-cio.o     : cio.c 
+tracesym.o : tracesym.c
+expect.o   : expect.c
+io-aux.o   : io-aux.c
+argv.o     : argv.c
+cal.o      : cal.c
+cio.o      : cio.c 
 	         $(ALL_CPPFLAGS) $(INCLUDES) $<
 deftarg.o  : deftarg.c
-errno.o   : errno.c
-exit.o    : raise.h exit.c
-final.o   : raise.h final.c
-gmem.o    : gmem.c
+errno.o    : errno.c
+exit.o     : raise.h exit.c
+final.o    : raise.h final.c
+gmem.o     : gmem.c
 raise.o   : raise.c raise.h
Index: gcc/ada/tracesym.c
RCS file: /cvs/gcc/gcc/gcc/ada/tracesym.c
add tracesym.c
+++ tracesym.c	2001/10/18 18:51:12
+ *                                                                          *
+ *                         GNAT COMPILER COMPONENTS                         *
+ *                                                                          *
+ *                  T R A C E B A C K . S Y M B O L I C                     *
+ *                                                                          *
+ *                          C Implementation File                           *
+ *                                                                          *
+ *                            $Revision: 1.0 $
+ *                                                                          *
+ *           Copyright (C) 2001 Lutz Donnerhacke                            *
+ *                                                                          *
+ * GNAT is free software;  you can  redistribute it  and/or modify it under *
+ * terms of the  GNU General Public License as published  by the Free Soft- *
+ * ware  Foundation;  either version 2,  or (at your option) any later ver- *
+ * sion.  GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- *
+ * OUT ANY WARRANTY;  without even the  implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY *
+ * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License *
+ * for  more details.  You should have  received  a copy of the GNU General *
+ * Public License  distributed with GNAT;  see file COPYING.  If not, write *
+ * to  the Free Software Foundation,  59 Temple Place - Suite 330,  Boston, *
+ * MA 02111-1307, USA.                                                      *
+ *                                                                          *
+ * As a  special  exception,  if you  link  this file  with other  files to *
+ * produce an executable,  this file does not by itself cause the resulting *
+ * executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License. This except- *
+ * ion does not  however invalidate  any other reasons  why the  executable *
+ * file might be covered by the  GNU Public License.                        *
+ *                                                                          *
+ * GNAT was originally developed  by the GNAT team at  New York University. *
+ * It is now maintained by Ada Core Technologies Inc ( http://www.gnat.com ). *
+ *                                                                          *
+ ****************************************************************************/
+/* This file contains low level support for cpp dependent libbfd bindings */
+#define	CONST	const
+#include <bfd.h>
+const int __gnat_bfd_archive = bfd_archive;
+bfd_vma __gnat_bfd_get_section_vma (bfd * abfd, sec_ptr asection) {
+   return bfd_get_section_vma (abfd, asection);
+long __gnat_bfd_section_size (bfd * abfd, sec_ptr asection) {
+   return bfd_section_size (abfd, asection);

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