[cfg-branch] Software Trace Cache

Josef Zlomek zlomj9am@artax.karlin.mff.cuni.cz
Tue Nov 13 15:03:00 GMT 2001


I'm sending the Software Trace Cache. It does not duplicate basic blocks yet.

Josef Zlomek

2001-11-20  Josef Zlomek  <zlomek@matfyz.cz>
	* bb-reorder.c: Software Trace Cache
	* cfglayout.h:  Extended struct reorder_block_def

--- gcc-old/gcc/bb-reorder.c	Mon Nov 12 16:44:47 2001
+++ gcc-new/gcc/bb-reorder.c	Tue Nov 20 22:45:57 2001
@@ -89,10 +89,27 @@
 #include "flags.h"
 #include "output.h"
 #include "cfglayout.h"
+#include "fibheap.h"
+struct trace {
+  /* First and last basic block of the trace.  */
+  basic_block first, last;
+  /* The number of the pass of STC creation.  */
+  int group_no;
+  /* Maximum frequency of basic blocks contained in the trace.  */
+  int max_freq;
 /* Local function prototypes.  */
 static void make_reorder_chain		PARAMS ((void));
 static basic_block make_reorder_chain_1	PARAMS ((basic_block, basic_block));
+static edge find_best_succesor		PARAMS ((basic_block, int, int));
+static edge find_best_predecesor	PARAMS ((basic_block, int, int));
+static void find_traces			PARAMS ((void));
+static int find_group_of_traces		PARAMS ((int, int, struct trace *, int *, int, fibheap_t));
 /* Compute an ordering for a subgraph beginning with block BB.  Record the
    ordering in RBI()->index and chained through RBI()->next.  */
@@ -252,6 +269,247 @@ make_reorder_chain_1 (bb, prev)
   return prev;
+#define FREQUENCY_TO_KEY(freq) ((BB_FREQ_MAX)-(freq))
+/* Compare the two traces by the MAX_FREQ element.  */
+static int
+compare_traces (const void *a, const void *b)
+  struct trace *t1 = (struct trace *) a;
+  struct trace *t2 = (struct trace *) b;
+  /* Compare the maximum frequency of the basic blocks in the traces.  */
+  /* The traces will be sorted in descending order of frequency.  */
+  return t2->max_freq - t1->max_freq;
+/* Find best non-visited successor.  */
+static edge
+find_best_succesor (bb, branch_th, exec_th)
+     basic_block bb;
+     int branch_th;
+     int exec_th;
+  edge e, best_edge = NULL;
+  int max_prob = -1;
+  for (e = bb->succ; e; e = e->succ_next)
+    {
+      /* Exit, already visited, improbable or infrequent successor.  */
+      if (e->dest == EXIT_BLOCK_PTR || RBI (e->dest)->visited 
+	  || e->probability < branch_th || e->dest->frequency < exec_th)
+	continue;
+      if (e->probability > max_prob 
+	  || (e->probability == max_prob
+	      && e->dest->frequency > best_edge->dest->frequency))
+	{
+	  /* Found better successor.  */
+	  best_edge = e;
+	  max_prob = e->probability;
+	}
+    }
+  return best_edge;
+/* Find best non-visited predecessor.  */
+static edge
+find_best_predecesor (bb, branch_th, exec_th)
+     basic_block bb;
+     int branch_th;
+     int exec_th;
+  edge e, best_edge = NULL;
+  int max_prob = -1;
+  for (e = bb->pred; e; e = e->pred_next)
+    {
+      /* Entry, already visited, improbable or infrequent predecessor.  */
+      if (e->src == ENTRY_BLOCK_PTR || RBI (e->src)->visited 
+	  || e->probability < branch_th || e->src->frequency < exec_th)
+	continue;
+      if (e->probability > max_prob 
+	  || (e->probability == max_prob
+	      && e->src->frequency > best_edge->src->frequency))
+	{
+	  /* Found better predecessor.  */
+	  best_edge = e;
+	  max_prob = e->probability;
+	}
+    }
+  return best_edge;
+/* Finds a group of traces for BRANCH_TH and EXEC_TH.  It gets the basic
+   blocks from the HEAP and stores the new traces into TRACES and modifies the
+   number of traces *N_TRACES.  Sets the group (which the trace belongs to) to
+   GROUP_NO.  Returns the number of basic blocks added into traces.  */
+static int
+find_group_of_traces (branch_th, exec_th, traces, n_traces, group_no, heap)
+     int branch_th;
+     int exec_th;
+     struct trace *traces;
+     int *n_traces;
+     int group_no;
+     fibheap_t heap;
+  int added = 0;
+  while (!fibheap_empty (heap))
+    {
+      basic_block bb = fibheap_min (heap);
+      edge e;
+      struct trace *trace;
+      if (bb->frequency < exec_th )
+	return added;
+      fibheap_extract_min (heap);
+      trace = traces + *n_traces;
+      trace->first = bb;
+      trace->last = bb;
+      trace->group_no = group_no;
+      trace->max_freq = bb->frequency;
+      (*n_traces)++;
+      RBI (bb)->visited = 1;
+      added++;
+      if (rtl_dump_file)
+	fprintf (rtl_dump_file, "Starting with BB %d\n", bb->index);
+      /* Grow the trace forwards.  */
+      while ((e = find_best_succesor (bb, branch_th, exec_th)) != NULL )
+	{
+	  basic_block bb2 = e->dest;
+	  RBI (bb)->next = bb2;
+	  RBI (bb2)->visited = 1;
+	  trace->last = bb2;
+	  fibheap_delete_node (heap, RBI (bb2)->node);
+	  added++;
+	  bb = bb2;
+	  if (rtl_dump_file)
+	    fprintf (rtl_dump_file, "  forward: BB %d\n", bb->index);
+	}
+      /* Grow the trace backwards.  */
+      bb = trace->first;
+      while ((e = find_best_predecesor (bb, branch_th, exec_th)) != NULL )
+	{
+	  basic_block bb2 = e->src;
+	  RBI (bb2)->next = bb;
+	  RBI (bb2)->visited = 1;
+	  trace->first = bb2;
+	  fibheap_delete_node (heap, RBI (bb2)->node);
+	  added++;
+	  bb = bb2;
+	  if (rtl_dump_file)
+	    fprintf (rtl_dump_file, "  backward: BB %d\n", bb->index);
+	}
+    }
+  return added;
+/* Find the traces for Software Trace Cache.  */
+static void
+find_traces ()
+  int branch_threshold[] = {400, 200, 100, 50, 0};
+  int exec_threshold[] = {100, 20, 5, 1, 0}; 
+  int n_threshold = sizeof (branch_threshold) / sizeof (int);
+  int n_visited;
+  int old_n_basic_blocks;
+  int i;
+  basic_block bb;
+  int n_traces;
+  struct trace *traces;
+  fibheap_t heap;
+  /* There will be at most N_BASIC_BLOCKS traces.  */
+  traces = xmalloc (n_basic_blocks * sizeof(struct trace));
+  n_traces = 0;
+  heap = fibheap_new();
+  /* Insert all basic blocks into heap.  */
+  for (i = 0; i < n_basic_blocks; i++)
+    {
+      bb = BASIC_BLOCK (i);
+      RBI (bb)->node = fibheap_insert (heap, FREQUENCY_TO_KEY (bb->frequency), bb);
+    }
+  /* Find the traces.  */
+  old_n_basic_blocks = n_basic_blocks;
+  n_visited = 0;
+  for (i = 0; i < n_threshold && n_visited < old_n_basic_blocks; i++)
+    {
+      n_visited +=
+	find_group_of_traces (branch_threshold[i] * REG_BR_PROB_BASE / 1000,
+			      exec_threshold[i] * BB_FREQ_MAX / 1000,
+			      traces, &n_traces, i, heap);
+    }
+  fibheap_delete (heap);
+  if (rtl_dump_file)
+    {
+      for (i = 0; i < n_traces; i++)
+	{
+	  fprintf(rtl_dump_file, "Trace %d (group %d):  ", i, traces[i].group_no);
+	  for (bb = traces[i].first; bb != traces[i].last; bb = RBI (bb)->next)
+	    fprintf(rtl_dump_file, "%d [%d] ", bb->index, bb->frequency);
+	  fprintf(rtl_dump_file, "%d [%d]\n", bb->index, bb->frequency);
+	}
+      fflush (rtl_dump_file);
+    }
+  /* The trace containing the bb 0 has to be first.  */
+  for (i = 1; i < n_traces; i++)
+    if (traces[i].first->index == 0)
+      {
+	struct trace t;
+	t = traces[i];
+	traces[i] = traces[0];
+	traces[0] = t;
+      }
+  if (rtl_dump_file)
+    {
+      for (i = 0; i < n_traces; i++)
+	{
+	  fprintf(rtl_dump_file, "Trace %d (group %d):  ", i, traces[i].group_no);
+	  for (bb = traces[i].first; bb != traces[i].last; bb = RBI (bb)->next)
+	    fprintf(rtl_dump_file, "%d [%d] ", bb->index, bb->frequency);
+	  fprintf(rtl_dump_file, "%d [%d]\n", bb->index, bb->frequency);
+	}
+      fflush (rtl_dump_file);
+    }
+  /* Sort the traces by the maximum frequency.  */
+  qsort (traces + 1, n_traces - 1, sizeof(struct trace), compare_traces);
+  if (rtl_dump_file)
+    {
+      for (i = 0; i < n_traces; i++)
+	{
+	  fprintf(rtl_dump_file, "Trace %d (group %d):  ", i, traces[i].group_no);
+	  for (bb = traces[i].first; bb != traces[i].last; bb = RBI (bb)->next)
+	    fprintf(rtl_dump_file, "%d [%d] ", bb->index, bb->frequency);
+	  fprintf(rtl_dump_file, "%d [%d]\n", bb->index, bb->frequency);
+	}
+      fflush (rtl_dump_file);
+    }
+  /* Connect traces.  */
+  for (i = 1; i < n_traces; i++)
+    RBI (traces[i - 1].last)->next = traces[i].first;
+  free (traces);
 /* Reorder basic blocks.  The main entry point to this file.  */
@@ -261,8 +519,7 @@ reorder_basic_blocks ()
   cfg_layout_initialize ();
-  make_reorder_chain ();
+  find_traces ();
   if (rtl_dump_file)
     dump_flow_info (rtl_dump_file);
--- gcc-old/gcc/cfglayout.h	Mon Nov 12 17:14:11 2001
+++ gcc-new/gcc/cfglayout.h	Tue Nov 20 21:06:02 2001
@@ -18,6 +18,8 @@
    Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
    02111-1307, USA.  */
+#include "fibheap.h"
 struct scope_def;
 typedef struct scope_def *scope;
@@ -29,6 +31,8 @@ typedef struct reorder_block_def
   scope scope;
   basic_block next;
   int visited;
+  int trace_group;
+  fibnode_t node;
 } *reorder_block_def;
 #define RBI(BB)	((reorder_block_def) (BB)->aux)

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