[PATCH]: Revised patch for fixinc on BeOS

Daniel Berlin dberlin@cygnus.com
Mon Nov 27 14:16:00 GMT 2000

This adds the BeOS specific makefile, as requested  by bruce.
It's essentially the same (besides the makefile/mkfixinc.sh change to use 
it) as the last patch, except for two things:
1. We now flush stdout before closing it in applyfix. without this, our 
output file ends up being empty.
2. Multiple fixes on the same include file work properly (involved using 
a different command on BeOS than MSDOS).

? Makefile.BEOS
Index: fixfixes.c
RCS file: /cvs/gcc/egcs/gcc/fixinc/fixfixes.c,v
retrieving revision 1.36
diff -c -3 -p -w -B -b -r1.36 fixfixes.c
*** fixfixes.c	2000/11/22 02:23:40	1.36
--- fixfixes.c	2000/11/27 21:54:45
*************** Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.  */
*** 60,66 ****
  #include "fixlib.h"
  #define    GTYPE_SE_CT 1
! #ifdef __MSDOS__
  #include "fixincl.x"
--- 60,66 ----
  #include "fixlib.h"
  #define    GTYPE_SE_CT 1
! #if defined(__MSDOS__) || defined(__BEOS__)
  #include "fixincl.x"
*************** apply_fix( p_fixd, filname )
*** 729,735 ****
    (*pfe->fix_proc)( filname, buf, p_fixd );
! #ifdef __MSDOS__
  tSCC z_usage[] =
  "USAGE: applyfix <fix-name> <file-to-fix> <file-source> <file-destination>\n";
  tSCC z_reopen[] =
--- 729,735 ----
    (*pfe->fix_proc)( filname, buf, p_fixd );
! #if defined(__MSDOS__) || defined(__BEOS__)
  tSCC z_usage[] =
  "USAGE: applyfix <fix-name> <file-to-fix> <file-source> <file-destination>\n";
  tSCC z_reopen[] =
*************** main( argc, argv )
*** 784,789 ****
--- 783,789 ----
      strcpy( pz_tmp_dot+1, "X" ); /* nuke the original extension */
      strcat( pz_tmptmp, ".X" );
    if (freopen( pz_tmptmp, "w", stdout ) != stdout)
        fprintf( stderr, z_reopen, errno, strerror( errno ), pz_tmptmp, "out" );
*************** main( argc, argv )
*** 791,796 ****
--- 791,797 ----
    apply_fix( pFix, argv[1] );
+   fflush(stdout);
    close( STDOUT_FILENO );
    close( STDIN_FILENO );
    unlink( argv[4] );
Index: fixincl.c
RCS file: /cvs/gcc/egcs/gcc/fixinc/fixincl.c,v
retrieving revision 1.42
diff -c -3 -p -w -B -b -r1.42 fixincl.c
*** fixincl.c	2000/11/17 04:16:55	1.42
--- fixincl.c	2000/11/27 21:54:46
*************** Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.  */
*** 30,36 ****
  #include <signal.h>
! #ifndef __MSDOS__
  #include "server.h"
--- 30,36 ----
  #include <signal.h>
! #if !defined(__MSDOS__) && !defined(__BEOS__)
  #include "server.h"
*************** Altering  %5d of them\n";
*** 181,187 ****
  #endif /* DO_STATS */
! # ifdef __MSDOS__
    unlink( pz_temp_file );
  # endif
    return EXIT_SUCCESS;
--- 181,187 ----
  #endif /* DO_STATS */
! # if defined(__MSDOS__) || defined(__BEOS__)
    unlink( pz_temp_file );
  # endif
    return EXIT_SUCCESS;
*************** do_version ()
*** 201,207 ****
    run_compiles ();
    sprintf (zBuf, zFmt, program_id);
! #ifndef __MSDOS__
    puts (zBuf + 5);
    exit (strcmp (run_shell (zBuf), program_id));
--- 201,207 ----
    run_compiles ();
    sprintf (zBuf, zFmt, program_id);
! #if !defined(__MSDOS__) && !defined(__BEOS__)
    puts (zBuf + 5);
    exit (strcmp (run_shell (zBuf), program_id));
*************** ENV_TABLE
*** 297,303 ****
    run_compiles ();
! # ifdef __MSDOS__
    /* NULL as the first argument to `tempnam' causes it to DTRT
       wrt the temporary directory where the file will be created.  */
    pz_temp_file = tempnam( NULL, "fxinc" );
--- 297,303 ----
    run_compiles ();
! # if defined(__MSDOS__) || defined(__BEOS__)
    /* NULL as the first argument to `tempnam' causes it to DTRT
       wrt the temporary directory where the file will be created.  */
    pz_temp_file = tempnam( NULL, "fxinc" );
*************** int
*** 380,386 ****
  machine_matches( p_fixd )
    tFixDesc *p_fixd;
! # ifndef __MSDOS__
            tSCC case_fmt[] = "case %s in\n";     /*  9 bytes, plus string */
            tSCC esac_fmt[] =
                 " )\n    echo %s ;;\n* ) echo %s ;;\nesac";/*  4 bytes */
--- 380,386 ----
  machine_matches( p_fixd )
    tFixDesc *p_fixd;
! # if !defined(__MSDOS__) && !defined(__BEOS__)
            tSCC case_fmt[] = "case %s in\n";     /*  9 bytes, plus string */
            tSCC esac_fmt[] =
                 " )\n    echo %s ;;\n* ) echo %s ;;\nesac";/*  4 bytes */
*************** create_file ()
*** 610,616 ****
            the name of the file that we might want to fix
    Result: APPLY_FIX or SKIP_FIX, depending on the result of the
            shell script we run.  */
! #ifndef __MSDOS__
  test_test (p_test, pz_test_file)
       tTestDesc *p_test;
--- 610,616 ----
            the name of the file that we might want to fix
    Result: APPLY_FIX or SKIP_FIX, depending on the result of the
            shell script we run.  */
! #if !defined(__MSDOS__) && !defined(__BEOS__)
  test_test (p_test, pz_test_file)
       tTestDesc *p_test;
*************** extract_quoted_files (pz_data, pz_fixed_
*** 805,811 ****
      Somebody wrote a *_fix subroutine that we must call.
! #ifndef __MSDOS__
  internal_fix (read_fd, p_fixd)
    int read_fd;
--- 805,811 ----
      Somebody wrote a *_fix subroutine that we must call.
! #if !defined(__MSDOS__) && !defined(__BEOS__)
  internal_fix (read_fd, p_fixd)
    int read_fd;
*************** internal_fix (read_fd, p_fixd)
*** 874,880 ****
  #endif /* !__MSDOS__ */
! #ifdef __MSDOS__
  static void
  fix_with_system (p_fixd, pz_fix_file, pz_file_source, pz_temp_file)
    tFixDesc* p_fixd;
--- 874,880 ----
  #endif /* !__MSDOS__ */
! #if defined(__MSDOS__) || defined(__BEOS__)
  static void
  fix_with_system (p_fixd, pz_fix_file, pz_file_source, pz_temp_file)
    tFixDesc* p_fixd;
*************** fix_with_system (p_fixd, pz_fix_file, pz
*** 923,929 ****
--- 923,936 ----
           The following bizarre use of 'cat' only works on DOS boxes.
           It is causing the file to be dropped into a temporary file for
           'cat' to read (pipes do not work on DOS).  */
+ #ifdef __MSDOS__
        tSCC   z_cmd_fmt[] = " %s | cat > %s";
+ #else
+       /* Positional printf arguments don't seem to work for some reason, which
+        * makes this more work than it should be, because we have to #ifdef
+        * below as well.  */
+       tSCC   z_cmd_fmt[] = " %s > %sX ; rm -f %s; mv -f %sX %s"; 
+ #endif
        tCC**  ppArgs = p_fixd->patch_args;
        argsize = sizeof( z_cmd_fmt ) + strlen( pz_temp_file )
*************** fix_with_system (p_fixd, pz_fix_file, pz
*** 998,1004 ****
--- 1005,1015 ----
         *  add the file machinations.
+ #ifdef __BEOS__
+       sprintf( pz_scan, z_cmd_fmt, pz_file_source, pz_temp_file, pz_temp_file, pz_temp_file, pz_temp_file);
+ #else
        sprintf( pz_scan, z_cmd_fmt, pz_file_source, pz_temp_file );
+ #endif
    system( pz_cmd );
    free( (void*)pz_cmd );
*************** fix_applies (p_fixd)
*** 1095,1101 ****
    int test_ct;
    tTestDesc *p_test;
! # ifdef __MSDOS__
     *  There is only one fix that uses a shell script as of this writing.
     *  I hope to nuke it anyway, it does not apply to DOS and it would
--- 1106,1112 ----
    int test_ct;
    tTestDesc *p_test;
! # if defined(__MSDOS__) || defined(__BEOS__)
     *  There is only one fix that uses a shell script as of this writing.
     *  I hope to nuke it anyway, it does not apply to DOS and it would
*************** process ()
*** 1302,1308 ****
    tFixDesc *p_fixd = fixDescList;
    int todo_ct = FIX_COUNT;
    int read_fd = -1;
! # ifndef __MSDOS__
    int num_children = 0;
  # else /* is __MSDOS__ */
    char* pz_file_source = pz_curr_file;
--- 1313,1319 ----
    tFixDesc *p_fixd = fixDescList;
    int todo_ct = FIX_COUNT;
    int read_fd = -1;
! # if !defined(__MSDOS__) && !defined(__BEOS__)
    int num_children = 0;
  # else /* is __MSDOS__ */
    char* pz_file_source = pz_curr_file;
*************** process ()
*** 1327,1333 ****
    if (VLEVEL( VERB_PROGRESS ) && have_tty)
      fprintf (stderr, "%6d %-50s   \r", data_map_size, pz_curr_file );
! # ifndef __MSDOS__
    process_chain_head = NOPROCESS;
    /* For every fix in our fix list, ...  */
--- 1338,1344 ----
    if (VLEVEL( VERB_PROGRESS ) && have_tty)
      fprintf (stderr, "%6d %-50s   \r", data_map_size, pz_curr_file );
! # if !defined(__MSDOS__) && !defined(__BEOS__)
    process_chain_head = NOPROCESS;
    /* For every fix in our fix list, ...  */
*************** process ()
*** 1410,1421 ****
    read_fd = open( pz_temp_file, O_RDONLY );
    test_for_changes( read_fd );
    /* Unlinking a file while it is still open is a Bad Idea on
       DOS/Windows.  */
    close( read_fd );
    unlink( pz_temp_file );
  # endif
--- 1421,1434 ----
    read_fd = open( pz_temp_file, O_RDONLY );
+   if (read_fd > 0)
+   {
  	  test_for_changes( read_fd );
  	  /* Unlinking a file while it is still open is a Bad Idea on
  	     DOS/Windows.  */
  	  close( read_fd );
  	  unlink( pz_temp_file );
!   }
  # endif
Index: fixincl.sh
RCS file: /cvs/gcc/egcs/gcc/fixinc/fixincl.sh,v
retrieving revision 1.33
diff -c -3 -p -w -B -b -r1.33 fixincl.sh
Index: fixlib.c
RCS file: /cvs/gcc/egcs/gcc/fixinc/fixlib.c,v
retrieving revision 1.14
diff -c -3 -p -w -B -b -r1.14 fixlib.c
*** fixlib.c	2000/11/17 04:16:55	1.14
--- fixlib.c	2000/11/27 21:54:47
*************** mn_get_regexps( label_re, name_re, who )
*** 244,250 ****
! #ifdef __MSDOS__
  make_raw_shell_str( pz_d, pz_s, smax )
--- 244,250 ----
! #if defined(__MSDOS__) || defined(__BEOS__)
  make_raw_shell_str( pz_d, pz_s, smax )
Index: fixlib.h
RCS file: /cvs/gcc/egcs/gcc/fixinc/fixlib.h,v
retrieving revision 1.18
diff -c -3 -p -w -B -b -r1.18 fixlib.h
*** fixlib.h	2000/09/12 14:28:27	1.18
--- fixlib.h	2000/11/27 21:54:47
*************** void   apply_fix   PARAMS(( tFixDesc* p_
*** 209,215 ****
         run_test    PARAMS(( tCC* t_name, tCC* f_name, tCC* text ));
! #ifdef __MSDOS__
  char*  make_raw_shell_str
                     PARAMS(( char* pz_d, tCC* pz_s, size_t smax ));
--- 209,215 ----
         run_test    PARAMS(( tCC* t_name, tCC* f_name, tCC* text ));
! #if defined(__MSDOS__) || defined(__BEOS__)
  char*  make_raw_shell_str
                     PARAMS(( char* pz_d, tCC* pz_s, size_t smax ));
Index: mkfixinc.sh
RCS file: /cvs/gcc/egcs/gcc/fixinc/mkfixinc.sh,v
retrieving revision 1.28
diff -c -3 -p -w -B -b -r1.28 mkfixinc.sh
*** mkfixinc.sh	2000/11/17 23:48:15	1.28
--- mkfixinc.sh	2000/11/27 21:54:48
*************** case $machine in
*** 35,40 ****
--- 35,43 ----
+ 	*-*-beos*)
+ 		MAKE="${MAKE} -f ${srcdir}/Makefile.BEOS"
+ 		;;
  	alpha*-*-winnt* | \
*************** case $machine in
*** 55,61 ****
  	hppa1.1-*-bsd* | \
  	hppa1.0-*-bsd* | \
  	hppa*-*-lites* | \
! 	*-*-beos* | \
  	*-*-gnu* | \
  	i?86-moss-msdos* | i?86-*-moss* | \
  	i?86-*-osf1* | \
--- 58,64 ----
  	hppa1.1-*-bsd* | \
  	hppa1.0-*-bsd* | \
  	hppa*-*-lites* | \
! 	*-*-linux* | \
  	*-*-gnu* | \
  	i?86-moss-msdos* | i?86-*-moss* | \
  	i?86-*-osf1* | \

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