PATCH: libstdc++/faq/index.html markup

Gerald Pfeifer
Sun Nov 19 13:08:00 GMT 2000



2000-11-19  Gerald Pfeifer  <>

 	* faq/index.html:  Fix markup.
 	* faq/index.txt:  Regenerated.

Index: faq/index.html
RCS file: /cvs/gcc/wwwdocs/htdocs/libstdc++/faq/index.html,v
retrieving revision 1.10
diff -c -3 -p -r1.10 index.html
*** index.html	2000/11/19 02:52:01	1.10
--- index.html	2000/11/19 21:05:47
*************** HREF="
*** 521,528 ****
           preprocessor search the g++-v3/ext and /backward directories,
           it is better to refer to files there by their path, as in:
           <!-- Careful, the leading spaces in PRE show up directly. -->
-          <PRE>
         #include <ext/hash_map>
        <P>Extensions to the library have
--- 521,528 ----
           preprocessor search the g++-v3/ext and /backward directories,
           it is better to refer to files there by their path, as in:
           <!-- Careful, the leading spaces in PRE show up directly. -->
+          <PRE>
         #include <ext/hash_map>
        <P>Extensions to the library have

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