Updated references to Fortran Reading Information.

Toon Moene toon@moene.indiv.nluug.nl
Sun Nov 5 05:56:00 GMT 2000


I just committed the following patch, to update the information on the
Fortran Standards Committee and to bring the Fortran information on
standardization in the same form as the C information:

*** readings.html.orig  Sun Nov  5 14:41:35 2000
--- readings.html       Sun Nov  5 14:51:26 2000
*************** tahoe. These are listed here just for co
*** 313,316 ****
--- 313,332 ----
+   <li>Fortran standards information:
+   <ul>
+     <li><a href=" http://www.j3-fortran.org/ ">Fortran standards
+     (includes references to the current draft of the Fortran
+   </ul></li>
+   <li>Fortran historical information:
+   <ul>
+     <li><a href=" http://www.fortran.com/F77_std/rjcnf.html ">FORTRAN 77
+   </ul></li>
href=" http://www.partner.europe.digital.com/www-swdev/pages/Home/TECH/dunix/ofst/build/src/index.html ">
*************** tahoe. These are listed here just for co
*** 322,329 ****
    <li><a href=" http://www.esofta.com/softspecs.html ">System V PowerPC
-   <li><a
href=" ftp://ftp.dfrc.nasa.gov/pub/x3j3/ncsa/doc/standing/007/ ">F2K
-   <li><a href=" http://www.fortran.com/F77_std/rjcnf.html ">FORTRAN 77
    <li><a href=" ftp://sgigate.sgi.com/pub/dwarf/ ">DWARF v2 spec and
sample implementation</a>
--- 338,341 ----

Toon Moene - mailto:toon@moene.indiv.nluug.nl - phoneto: +31 346 214290
Saturnushof 14, 3738 XG  Maartensdijk, The Netherlands
GNU Fortran 77: http://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/g77_news.html
GNU Fortran 95: http://g95.sourceforge.net/ (under construction)

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