condexec merge part 7

Richard Henderson
Wed Apr 26 23:48:00 GMT 2000

So I can use the function to clean up fallthru from 
conditional branches as well.


        * flow.c (tidy_fallthru_edge): Don't delete the jump when it's
        a still-valid conditional jump.

Index: flow.c
RCS file: /cvs/gcc/egcs/gcc/flow.c,v
retrieving revision 1.262
diff -c -p -d -r1.262 flow.c
*** flow.c	2000/04/27 05:58:04	1.262
--- flow.c	2000/04/27 06:45:36
*************** tidy_fallthru_edge (e, b, c)
*** 2407,2413 ****
       If block B consisted only of this single jump, turn it into a deleted
       note.  */
    q = b->end;
!   if (GET_CODE (q) == JUMP_INSN)
  #ifdef HAVE_cc0
        /* If this was a conditional jump, we need to also delete
--- 2407,2415 ----
       If block B consisted only of this single jump, turn it into a deleted
       note.  */
    q = b->end;
!   if (GET_CODE (q) == JUMP_INSN
!       && (simplejump_p (q)
! 	  || (b->succ == e && e->succ_next == NULL)))
  #ifdef HAVE_cc0
        /* If this was a conditional jump, we need to also delete

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