PATCH to cp/ir.texi

Gabriel Dos Reis
Tue Apr 25 09:59:00 GMT 2000

This fixed a typo I made in cp/ir.texi.

-- Gaby
CodeSourcery, LLC                   

Index: cp/ir.texi
RCS file: /cvs/gcc/egcs/gcc/cp/ir.texi,v
retrieving revision 1.27
diff -p -r1.27 ir.texi
*** ir.texi	2000/04/22 12:01:30	1.27
--- ir.texi	2000/04/25 16:50:28
*************** comparisons, and so forth.
*** 1600,1606 ****
  These nodes are used to represent complex number constants, that is a
  @code{__complex__} whose parts are constant nodes.  The 
! @code{TREE_REALPART} and @code@TREE_IMAGPART} return the real and the
  imaginary parts respectively.
  @item STRING_CST
--- 1600,1606 ----
  These nodes are used to represent complex number constants, that is a
  @code{__complex__} whose parts are constant nodes.  The 
! @code{TREE_REALPART} and @code{TREE_IMAGPART} return the real and the
  imaginary parts respectively.
  @item STRING_CST

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