cpplib: cppexp.c final cleanup

Zack Weinberg zack@wolery.cumb.org
Mon Apr 3 11:38:00 GMT 2000

On Mon, Apr 03, 2000 at 09:50:00PM +0900, Neil Booth wrote:
> This is the final cleanup patch of cppexp.c.  It is mostly cosmetic:
> wrapping long lines, putting the text #if between single quotes in the
> error messages where it wasn't, and implementing a SYNTAX_ERROR macro.
> op_to_str is now re-entrant.  | used instead of || for boolean ints.

Fine except for "putting the text #if between single quotes".  We are
moving away from that convention.  Please take them back out again
wherever you added them.  If you like, you may take them out in all
the other messages in cppexp.c.  Then consider the patch approved.

If quotes are necessary for comprehension, use 'foo' not `foo'.  The
latter looks hideous with fonts where ' is vertical (increasingly


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