PATCH: Better -Woverloaded-virtual diagnostics

Nathan Sidwell
Wed Mar 31 18:59:00 GMT 1999

Jason Merrill wrote:
> >>>>> Nathan Sidwell <> writes:
>  > In this case I don't think it sensible to warn any way, because one
>  > might well want to override a subset of virtual functions -- what one
>  > doesn't want to do is introduce a new virtual function that looks
>  > similar to a base virtual function.
> I disagree.  That is also useful to check, but it is dangerous to override
> some overloads and not others -- the ones that are not overridden will be
> hidden, causing unexpected overload results.
This hiding is true, but the same behaviour occurs for non-virtual functions.

struct A {
  int fn(float);
  int fn(int);

struct B : public A {
  int fn(float);

B::fn(float) hides A::fn(int), yet we don't issue a warning about that.

Whilst it may be useful to issue such a warning, I think it is a separate issue
to what -Woverloaded-virtual should be trying to warning about. I don't see
what's special about a virtual being hidden in this way, as opposed to a
non-virtual -- of course I could be missing something.

May be the flag should be -Woverridden-virtual, rather than
What you're worried about might be better served by a -Whidden-overload flag,
and cured by a using declaration (when they're dealt with properly).


Dr Nathan Sidwell :: Computer Science Department :: Bristol University
      You can up the bandwidth, but you can't up the speed of light

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