Jeffrey A Law law@hurl.cygnus.com
Thu Mar 18 21:30:00 GMT 1999

        * h8300.h (TARGET_SWITCHES): Add documentation.

Index: h8300.h
RCS file: /egcs/carton/cvsfiles/egcs/gcc/config/h8300/h8300.h,v
retrieving revision 1.14
diff -c -3 -p -r1.14 h8300.h
*** h8300.h	1999/03/08 20:40:08	1.14
--- h8300.h	1999/03/19 05:29:21
*************** extern int target_flags;
*** 98,115 ****
     An empty string NAME is used to identify the default VALUE.  */
  #define TARGET_SWITCHES  \
!   { {"s",1 },			\
!     {"no-s",-1},		\
!     {"int32",8},		\
!     {"addresses",64 },		\
!     {"quickcall",128},  	\
!     {"no-quickcall",-128},	\
!     {"slowbyte",256},		\
!     {"relax",1024},		\
!     {"rtl-dump",2048},		\
!     {"h",4096},			\
!     {"no-h",-4096},		\
!     {"align-300",8192},	\
      { "", TARGET_DEFAULT}}
  /* Do things that must be done once at start up.  */
--- 98,115 ----
     An empty string NAME is used to identify the default VALUE.  */
  #define TARGET_SWITCHES  \
!   { {"s",		1,     "Generate H8/S code"},			\
!     {"no-s",		-1,    "Do not generate H8/S code"},		\
!     {"int32",		8,     "Make integers 32 bits wide"},		\
!     {"addresses",	64,    NULL},					\
!     {"quickcall",	128,   "Use registers for argument passing"},  	\
!     {"no-quickcall",	-128,  "Do not use registers for argument passing"},\
!     {"slowbyte",	256,   "Consider access to byte sized memory slow"},\
!     {"relax",		1024,  "Enable linker relaxing"},		\
!     {"rtl-dump",	2048,  NULL},					\
!     {"h",		4096,  "Generate H8/300H code"},		\
!     {"no-h",		-4096, "Do not generate H8/300H code"},		\
!     {"align-300",	8192,  "Use H8/300 alignment rules"},		\
      { "", TARGET_DEFAULT}}
  /* Do things that must be done once at start up.  */

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