typos in f77 docs

Mark Mitchell mark@markmitchell.com
Thu Mar 18 07:27:00 GMT 1999

>>>>> "craig" == craig  <craig@jcb-sc.com> writes:

    craig> (It's definitely easy to get confused by all this stuff --
    craig> if I had my druthers, we'd put *only* true source files in
    craig> the repository, and perhaps even in distributions...too
    craig> many people get confused otherwise, as our tools generally
    craig> don't help us understand the distinctions when we go to
    craig> view/edit derived, i.e. non-source, files.)

One trick I use in my own packages is to make generated files
read-only.  Then my editor screams at me if I try to edit them, even
if I don't remember to read the "MACHINE GENERATED: DO NOT EDIT"
comment at the top.  CVS doesn't really support this, I don't think,
but we could have `contrib/egcs_update' mark generated files read-only
since it already knows which ones they are.

Might help a little.

Mark Mitchell 			mark@markmitchell.com
Mark Mitchell Consulting	http://www.markmitchell.com

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