(C++) tree inlining patch RFD

Mark Mitchell mark@codesourcery.com
Fri Dec 31 16:38:00 GMT 1999

>>>>> "Jason" == Jason Merrill <jason@cygnus.com> writes:

    Jason> (insert_block_after_note): Abort if we
    Jason> don't have a previous block. 

I don't think this patch was very helpful, even though I understand
why you did it.

Now, all builds abort.  That means that while we solve this problem
nobody else can even bootstrap the tree; you've made it impossible
for, say, a SPARC back-end person to properly build and test new
optimizations to the SPARC machine-description.

Mark Mitchell                   mark@codesourcery.com
CodeSourcery, LLC               http://www.codesourcery.com

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