How does g++ link an objective file .o built by gcc?

Dingjun Chen
Thu Jan 4 19:30:20 GMT 2024

Thanks indeed to Jonathan! Your idea works well for me. 

Have a great day!


-----Original Message-----
From: Jonathan Wakely <> 
Sent: Thursday, January 4, 2024 1:53 PM
To: Dingjun Chen <>
Subject: Re: How does g++ link an objective file .o built by gcc?

External Email Warning: Do not click any links or open any attachments unless you trust the sender and know the content is safe. From Geotech IT.

On Thu, 4 Jan 2024 at 18:48, Dingjun Chen <> wrote:
> HI, everyone,
> I have a question for you.
> I have multiple c++ files .cc (main program is C++) and one c file 'librtd-dm6620.c'. Of course I will use g++ to build the executable. For that 'librtd-dm6620.c' file I still want to build its .o file via gcc because there are some possibly fatal warnings if I use g++ to build this .c file. If this .c file is built with gcc, there is no any warning and it is perfect in compilation.

Then that means you are trying to compile C code using the C++ compiler. That might work sometimes, for some C code, but will often not work. C and C++ are different languages.

> Finally, I want to build the executable by linking all .o files via g++.  The problem is that the .o file built by gcc is not really linked by g++.  All defined functions in 'librtd-dm6620.c' cannot be found by the g++ linker 'ld'.

That's because the C++ compiler uses "name mangling" when it compiles functions, so that the symbol names in the .o are different when compiled as C++.

For example, a function void f() { } will be compiled to a symbol called "f" when compiled as C, but a symbol called "_Z1fv" when compiled as C++.

You either need to compile all your C files as C++, so that the symbol names are all consistent, or you need to tell the C++ compiler not to mangle the names, like so:

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
void f() { }
#ifdef __cplusplus

When this is compiled by a C++ compiler it will produce a symbol called "f", just like when compiled by a C compiler.

The simplest answer is probably just to stop trying to compile C files as C++ code. Either write C++, or write C, don't write C and then compile as something different.

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