one of those annoying little things

Jonathan Wakely
Wed Aug 24 11:26:53 GMT 2022

On Wed, 24 Aug 2022 at 05:23, Dennis Clarke via Gcc-help
<> wrote:
> Dear ALL :
>      Not sure who else have been doing bootstraps on machines wherein the
> common sense thing to do is protect the source tree. What I mean is that

The GCC build will not touch the source tree unless you configure with
--enable-maintainer-mode (in which case it will automatically try to
re-run some autotools scripts if some of the generated files in the
tree appear to be out of date).

> I extract the gcc 12.2.0 tarball of joy as the root user.

That's completely unnecessary. This doesn't seem like common sense,
but rather creating unnecessary problems for yourself.

> Then inside
> that directory structure I crack out the gmp/mpfr/mpc goodness and even
> apply the correct patch for mpfr[1].

Not sure what the [1] refers to, but I think I've said before that you
can just use the recommended versions that are downloaded by the
download_prerequisites script, and not worry about patching anything.

>      So anyways, funny thing happens when I try to build out of tree :

> Turns out, wild, but that directory for the mpfr doc stuff has files
> that no user has rights to other than root. That has to be a bug right?

You extracted the tarballs as root.

> Could be the mpfr guys but hey this seems weird.
> So I did a chgrp "foo" on that whole dir and also allowed common dirt
> humans to read and write the file. That seems to allow
> bootstrap to continue for those dirty users. Not sure if anyone else
> sees this as a bug or just a feature.

Either way, it's not a GCC problem.

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