setmemsi, movmemsi and post_inc

Stefan Franke
Thu Mar 25 14:21:29 GMT 2021

Hi there,


I consider implementing movmemsi/setmemsi for some arch using post_inc. Is
there a "best practice" for using auto increments in such early stages to
avoid hickups in cse, gcse, cprop etc.p.p.?


It looks like this:


(insn 8 7 9 2 (set (reg:SI 41)

        (reg/f:SI 40)) 

     (expr_list:REG_INC (reg:SI 41)


(insn 9 8 10 2 (set (reg:SI 42)

        (reg/f:SI 39)) 

     (expr_list:REG_INC (reg:SI 42)


(insn 10 9 11 2 (set (mem:QI (post_inc:SI (reg:SI 42)) [0  S1 A8])

        (mem:QI (post_inc:SI (reg:SI 41)) [0  S1 A8]))

     (expr_list:REG_INC (reg:SI 42)

        (expr_list:REG_INC (reg:SI 41)


(insn 11 10 12 2 (set (mem:QI (post_inc:SI (reg:SI 42)) [0  S1 A8])

        (mem:QI (post_inc:SI (reg:SI 41)) [0  S1 A8])) 

     (expr_list:REG_INC (reg:SI 42)

        (expr_list:REG_INC (reg:SI 41)








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