signed/unsigned integer conversion for right shift seems
Peter T. Breuer
Tue Feb 6 19:43:00 GMT 2018
"Also sprach Jonathan Wakely:"
> On 6 February 2018 at 18:37, Tadeus Prastowo wrote:
> > @Peter Breuer: it seems that you are not very knowledgeable about the
> > internals of the C language. Hence, I would like to invite you to
Amusing. Byt as the infamous author of a much used higher order
compiler compiler in C, a linear logic model checker for C, about 4
different user-driven languages that I can recall written in C, ranging
from a persistent higher order lazy functional language to a decompiler
compiler, and a mathematical logician well known as a programming
languages semanticist who has given denotational, operational and
logical semantics to many programming, machine and specification
languages, etc etc etc, "I don't think so".
Try for the current snapshots of the encrypting,
ofuscating C compiler.
> > study this very good resource on the internals of the C language:
> >
> And maybe find somewhere else to discuss it. "I don't understand the C
> standard" is not a GCC problem, so doesn't belong on this mailing
Please desist from ad hominen attacks.
If you have a problem with my reasoning in any particlar instance,
please state it with specificity.
From the lack of valid argument, I guess the problem seems to be that
the spec has boobooed in this instance. I would be grateful if you do
manage to find somewhere in the spec that allows the conversion thang
not to be done for >>.
I now don't know for sure what needs to be done here.
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