Unjustified warning?

Marcel Keller m.keller@bristol.ac.uk
Fri Dec 15 11:55:00 GMT 2017

> The warning isn't caused by the explicit memset but rather by GCC
> introducing one within the loop.  I'm not sure that the warning
> itself should be considered a bug.  If the function is called with
> length greater than or equal to 32 it will overflow.  So I'd say
> the warning is helpful in pointing it out.  What's not helpful
> is the missing location information, compounded by the fact that
> the only memset call in the source code isn't what causes it.
> To avoid the warning make sure foo() calls avx_memzero with
> a length of at most the size of bar.

Thank you for the clarification. If I limit the length as in the code 
attached, I still get the warning however.

Best regards,

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