How to determine when a C++11 move is synthesized?

Jeffrey Walton
Wed Jan 6 21:37:00 GMT 2016

We have a library that's C++03, and its moving towards full support
for C++11. We are supplementing classes with:

    class Foo
            Foo(const Foo&);
            Foo& operator=(const Foo&);

#if defined(CXX11_AVAILABLE)
            Foo(const Foo&&);

We have a lot of classes (1500 or so), and its going to take some time
to evaluate all of them. As a starting point, we would like to
identify where the compiler is synthesizing a move and then provide it
(especially for some fundamental/critical base classes).

How can I determine when a C++11 move is synthesized?

Thanks in advance.

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