GCC5 optimization level causes runtime error in WINE

Michael Cronenworth mike@cchtml.com
Sat Mar 7 23:16:00 GMT 2015


I am attempting to debug why WINE[1], when compiled with GCC 5[2] on Fedora Rawhide, 
cannot run when an optimization level is specified.

-O0 : works
-O1 : segfault
-O2 : segfault

I have enabled -O1 flags manually and WINE works. What other settings is GCC 5 
enabling between optimization levels? I have run -Q --help=optimizers and that's 
what I based my flag settings on, but there is something obviously missing that -O1 


[1] https://www.winehq.org/
[2] gcc (GCC) 5.0.0 20150226 (Red Hat 5.0.0-0.18)

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