Specify -fno-exceptions in source file

Jonathan Wakely jwakely.gcc@gmail.com
Tue Apr 21 10:50:00 GMT 2015

On 21 April 2015 at 10:50, Goswin von Brederlow wrote:
> On Tue, Apr 21, 2015 at 10:34:28AM +0100, Jonathan Wakely wrote:
>> On 21 April 2015 at 10:17, Goswin von Brederlow wrote:
>> > Does the resulting binary work?
>> It should do.
>> > Doesn't "no-exceptions" break ABI
>> > compatibility with the other object files and breaks when an exception
>> > is thrown across the "no-exceptions" object?
>> No, there's no effect on ABI.
>> You can't catch it in the no-exceptions object, obviously, because
>> 'catch' is not allowed in that file, but the exception simply passes
>> through any frames without unwinding information, and can be caught
>> further up the stack.
> But then it doesn't unwind them so destructors won't be called that
> should be, right?

Right. But if the file compiled with -fno-exceptions doesn't call
anything that can throw then that's not a problem. If it does call
things that can throw it needs to be careful with resources.

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