GCC 4.7.2 overhead of auto lambda expression

Michael Powell mwpowellhtx@gmail.com
Thu May 9 13:08:00 GMT 2013


It's been a little while, but I seem to recall that static variables
can be declared in the scope of a class instance method?

Next question, I am declaring a lambda function in the scope of a
method to leverage a read-from-channel-to-variable pattern: the read
is the same, agnostic to the channel and variable.

I am finding that this is somewhat slow, so a couple of thoughts are:
is the lambda even appropriate? I declare it as an auto for starters,
and it resolves every time the function happens.

Can that auto lambda variable be static? Or possibly, I don't think
the problem domain is that dynamic that a handful of helper member
functions wouldn't also do the same job, probably faster too without
the overhead of declaring the lambda autos.


Thank you...


Michael Powell

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