x86_64: is there an option to always do RIP relative addressing for globals?

Mike Cui cuicui@gmail.com
Sun Jan 23 17:55:00 GMT 2011


I want to link a small kernel to run at 0xFFFF800000000000, all text,
data, bss will fit in a 2GB region. I noticed that the 2 code models
that I can choose from, small and kernel, require the kernel to run in
the first or last 2GB of address space, not in the middle. One option
I have is large, which turns every global function call into a
indirect call. The other option, of course, is small_pic, but that
turns every global memory reference into 2 references, and I have to
setup the GOT when loading the kernel.

If all my code and data fit in 2GB, it seems like it should be
possible for this 2GB to be located anywhere. But GCC seems to like to
generate instructions in the form of
  mov $symbol, %reg
where the immediate operand $symbol is a sign extended (or zero
extended) 32-bit immediate, thus requiring symbol to be in the first
or last 2GB of address space.

If we replaced those instructions with
  lea symbol(%rip), %reg
then the only requirement is that symbol is in the same 2GB region as
the current code.

Are there existing gcc options to do what I want? Is what I want even possible?




extern int b[];
extern int B(int *, int);

int A() {
        return B(b, b[0]);

Assembly emitted when with -mcmodel=kernel:

        movl    b(%rip), %esi
        movq    $b, %rdi        # linker complains that relocation
record for b doesn't fit in 32-bit
        jmp     B

With -mcmodel=large:

        movabsq $b, %rdi     # 64-bit imm, instruction is HUGE
        movabsq $B, %rax
        movl    (%rdi), %esi
        jmp     *%rax            # indirect call!

With -mcmodel=small and -fpic:

        movq    b@GOTPCREL(%rip), %rdi  # extra memory reference to get &b
        movl    (%rdi), %esi
        jmp     B@PLT   # extra memory reference to get &B, and indirect call

What I want:

        movl    b(%rip), %esi
        leaq    b(%rip), %rdi
        jmp     B

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