Exporting new libgomp functions

Amittai Aviram amittai.aviram@yale.edu
Wed Jan 12 14:21:00 GMT 2011

I would like to define some new functions in libgomp and make these available to applications compiled with GCC with the -fopenmp flag.  Suppose I want to export function void foo(void).  I had thought that I could just define it in, say, foo.c, include foo.c into my build of libgomp, and provide a header file in my application with foo's signature.  However, when I do this, I get a linker error that the application uses an "undefined function."  I have verified that foo.o and foo.lo are in my gcc_obj build directory tree, and that the definition of "foo" does indeed occur in foo.o (i.e., I can see its disassembly using objdump -d).  Now, libgomp already exports a bunch of functions, such as omp_get_thread_num, etc.  How can I do the same with my new functions?  Thanks!

Amittai Aviram
PhD Student in Computer Science
Yale University
646 483 2639

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