No unwind info for __do_global_ctors_aux / _init?

Lassi Tuura
Tue Mar 9 11:28:00 GMT 2010


I maintain a profiling utility which uses libunwind to capture stack traces on x86-64. One of the several problems we ran into is that stack tracing stops at global constructors for dynamically loaded shared libraries. This seems to be because there is no unwind information for _init / __do_global_ctors_aux.

Is there any way to coax GCC to generate .eh_frame information for these functions?

I tried recompiling one library with and without -fasynchronous-unwind-tables on a RHEL5-derived system with GCC 4.3.4 + binutils 2.19.1, but didn't get the extra unwind info. In fact -fasynchronous-unwind-tables didn't make any difference that I could tell.


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