Strict aliasing plus placement new / explicit destructor call

Ian Lance Taylor
Wed Jul 28 06:00:00 GMT 2010

Justin Lebar <> writes:

> I'm trying to enable -fstrict-aliasing when building Firefox.  One
> class in particular is proving difficult to make work properly.  We
> use this class for lazily allocating objects on the stack.
> Code is included at the end of this e-mail.  When I compile with -O2
> -Wall, I get
>    main.cpp:20: warning: dereferencing pointer ‘this.0’ does break
> strict-aliasing rules
> It seems that this warning is due to the cast in ~Lazy().  Note that I
> can't rewrite Lazy<T>'s storage as a union because T may have a
> constructor -- the whole purpose of the Lazy class is to let me
> stack-allocate T without immediately calling its constructor.
> Also, changing
>       T* obj = reinterpret_cast<T*>(bytes);
> to
>       T* __attribute__((may_alias)) obj = reinterpret_cast<T*>(bytes);
> doesn't eliminate the warning.
> I'm out of ideas.  Is there a way to accomplish what I'm trying to do
> here without disabling strict aliasing?  I'd hate to give up now.

Your code looks OK to me by the C++ aliasing rules--at least it would
look OK if your program actually called construct.  In this case I think
the warning is incorrect.  Current mainline does not seem to give that


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