GPL V-3 Info regarding Cross toolchain

Ian Lance Taylor
Wed Aug 25 22:31:00 GMT 2010

naveen yadav <> writes:

> I want to get some confirmation in following scenario.
> Suppose I build GCC 4.4.1 cross toolchain for ARM. I publish the
> source code(original + modified by us) and Build script(help to build
> cross toolchian).
> Is it necessary  that we need to provide information of our Build
> environment or not?
> Here build environment means  OS(Fedora/Rhel etc) ,Host gcc () etc.

You do not need to provide information about the build environment.
This would fall under the "System Libraries" aspect of the GPL.  You are
specifically not required to provide "System Libraries" along with the
source code.

Of course, if there is some unique aspect to your systems which is
required to build the source code that you provide, then you must
provide enough information for people to able to build the source code.
But if your systems are more or less standard GNU/Linux, then you don't
have to say anything about them.


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