is there any way for exit(1)

gfx art
Tue Mar 24 23:26:00 GMT 2009

Thank you very much for your reply.. but I get the same error

List.cpp: In member function ‘void List::erase(int)’:
List.cpp:68: error: ‘exit’ was not declared in this scope


and this is my member function

#include <iostream>
#include <cassert>

using namespace std;

#include "List.h"

void List::erase(int pos)
	if (mySize == 0)
		cerr << "*** List is empty ***\n";
		exit(1);	// I can't use it

	if (pos < 0 || pos >= mySize)
		cerr << "Illegal location to delete -- " << pos
		     << ".  List unchanged. ***\n";

	// Shift array elements left to close the gap
	for(int i = pos; i < mySize; i++)
		myArray[i] = myArray[i + 1];

	// Decrease list size

Thank you very much for your time and I know how you help others in
open source world
Ali Mirza..

On Wed, Mar 25, 2009 at 12:49 AM, John (Eljay) Love-Jensen
<> wrote:
> Hi gfx art,
> Try this...
> #include <cstdlib>
> if (mySize == CAPACITY)
> {
>   cerr << "No space" << endl;
>   std::exit(1)
> }
> HTH,
> --Eljay

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