Please help with these two errors
Wed Jan 16 14:27:00 GMT 2008
>I need small compilable code example that produces the error. Does the code
snippet produce the error >for you?
The file is a littile bit lengthy, I can post it here. Before that here is a
larger snippet of th class.
template <class Traits_, class AppKernel_>
class VVc_diagram_2
typedef Traits_ Traits_2;
typedef AppKernel_ Approx_kernel;
// Define types from the rational kernel.
typedef typename Traits_2::Rat_kernel Rat_kernel;
typedef typename Traits_2::Rational Rational;
typedef Partial_polygon_Voronoi_diagram_2<Traits_2> Partial_pvd_2;
typedef typename Partial_pvd_2::Arc_const_iterator
typedef typename Partial_pvd_2::Rat_segment_2 Rat_segment_2;
typedef typename Partial_pvd_2::Rat_point_2 Rat_point_2;
typedef typename Partial_pvd_2::Rat_polygon_2 Rat_polygon_2;
typedef typename Approx_kernel::Point_2 App_point_2;
typedef typename Approx_kernel::Segment_2 App_segment_2;
typedef std::list<App_segment_2> App_segments_list_2;
// Define the polygon clearance offsetting and the objects from the
// algebraic kernel.
typedef Polygon_clearance_offsetting_2<Traits_2> PCO_2;
typedef typename PCO_2::Alg_point_2 Alg_point_2;
typedef typename Traits_2::Curve_2 Conic_arc_2;
typedef typename Traits_2::X_monotone_curve_2 X_monotone_conic_arc_2;
typedef typename PCO_2::Offset_arc_2 Offset_arc_2;
typedef typename PCO_2::Algebraic Algebraic;
typedef typename PCO_2::Alg_kernel Alg_kernel;
typedef std::list<X_monotone_conic_arc_2> X_conic_arcs_list_2;
typedef std::list<Offset_arc_2> Offset_arcs_list_2;
typedef typename PCO_2::Rat_polygon_clearance_2 Polygon_clearance_2;
typedef std::vector<Polygon_clearance_2> Polygon_clrs_vec_2;
typedef std::multimap<Polygon_feature_2,
Less_polygon_feature_2> Polygon_features_map;
typedef typename Polygon_features_map::value_type Pf_map_entry;
typedef typename Polygon_features_map::iterator Pf_map_iterator;
// Define the circle-tangents class.
// typedef Circle_tangents_2<Traits_2> Circle_tangents_2;
// Define the approximated kernel objects.
typedef typename Approx_kernel::Circle_2 App_circle_2;
typedef typename Approx_kernel::Circular_arc_2 App_circular_arc_2;
* \enum Edge types.
enum Arc_type
* \struct Representation of the data attached to an arc.
struct Data
Arc_type type; // The arc type.
const Polygon_feature_2 *feature;
// For MINKOWSKI arcs.
const typename Partial_pvd_2::Arc_data_2 *data;
// For VORONOI arcs.
} pointer;
struct Copy_data
const Data& operator() (const Data& d1, const Data& ) const
return (d1);
typedef Arr_curve_data_traits_2<Traits_2, Data,
Data> Data_traits_2;
typedef typename Data_traits_2::Curve_2 Curve_2;
typedef typename Data_traits_2::X_monotone_curve_2 X_monotone_curve_2;
typedef Arr_extended_dcel<Data_traits_2,
int, int, bool> Dcel;
typedef Arrangement_2<Data_traits_2, Dcel> Arrangement_2;
typedef typename Arrangement_2::Halfedge_handle Halfedge_handle;
// typedef typename Arrangement_2::Halfedge_const_handle
typedef typename Arrangement_2::Face_const_handle Face_const_handle;
typedef typename Arrangement_2::Vertex_iterator Vertex_iterator;
/* typedef typename Arrangement_2::Halfedge_const_iterator
typedef typename Arrangement_2::Edge_const_iterator
typedef typename Arrangement_2::Halfedge_around_vertex_circulator
* \class Representation of a feature associated with vertex in the
* VV(c) diagram.
class Vertex_feature_2
enum Type
int ver_id; // The ID of the coresponding vertex.
* Default constrcutor.
Vertex_feature_2 () :
ver_id (-1)
* Destructor.
virtual ~Vertex_feature_2 ()
* Get the feature type.
virtual Vertex_feature_2::Type type () const = 0;
* Get the vertex ID.
int vertex_id () const
return (ver_id);
* Set the vertex ID.
void set_vertex_id (const int& id)
ver_id = id;
* \class Representation of a circular arc associated with a vertex in
* the VV(c) diagram.
class Circular_arc_2 : public Vertex_feature_2
Rat_point_2 _c; // The center of the supporting
Alg_point_2 _s; // The source point of the arc.
Alg_point_2 _t; // The target point of the arc.
Orientation _or; // The arc's orientation.
/*! Default constructor. */
Circular_arc_2 () :
* Constructor.
* \param c The center of the supporting circle.
* \param s The source point of the circular arc.
* \param t The target point of the circular arc.
* \param orient The orientation of the circular arc.
Circular_arc_2 (const Rat_point_2& c,
const Alg_point_2& s, const Alg_point_2& t,
const Orientation& orient) :
_c (c),
_s (s),
_t (t),
_or (orient)
* Get the feature type.
virtual typename Vertex_feature_2::Type type () const
return (CIRCULAR);
* Get the center of the supporting circle.
const Rat_point_2& center () const
return (_c);
* Get the source point of the circular arc.
const Alg_point_2& source () const
return (_s);
* Get the target point of the circular arc.
const Alg_point_2& target () const
return (_t);
* Get the orientation of the circular arc.
Orientation orientation () const
return (_or);
Thanks in advance...
John (Eljay) Love-Jensen wrote:
> Hi mahmoodn,
>> How about the first problem?
> From your code snippet, I was unable to reproduce the first problem you
> inquired about. No error, or warning.
> I need small compilable code example that produces the error. Does the
> code snippet produce the error for you?
> Sincerely,
> --Eljay
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