Writing past the 2GB file size boundary on 32-bit systems

D. R. Evans N7DR@arrl.net
Mon Jan 7 00:08:00 GMT 2008

Using gcc/g++ 3.3.1 on an old 32-bit Mandrake 9.2.1 production system
(which means that I can't update to anything newer).

Is there a clear description anywhere of how to use C++ streams and
ordinary C FILE* functions so that they don't fail when an attempt to write
to a file goes past the 2GB boundary?

I have found various vague comments and a few suggestions scattered around
various places, but nothing I've tried so far has worked. I've spent a day
and a half trying various things and figured it was now time to ask in a
place where people probably know how to get this working :-)

  Doc Evans

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