gcc 64-bit (assembly) information

Mihai Donțu mdontu@bitdefender.com
Mon Sep 3 15:10:00 GMT 2007

On Monday 03 September 2007, Katana Steel wrote:
> I had to see gdb disassembled output to figure out how
> gcc passes parameter to functions calls.
> it seems it passes them in register instead of using the
> stack as its 32-bit counter part does.
> now I wonder is there documentation that defines how
> this is done? 
> is there a threshold of how many parameter it can pass
> this way before using the stack or some other means?
> best regards
> Katana Steel
> -- as life grows older, I gain experience.


Mihai DONÈšU
Linux Software Developer
e-mail: mdontu@bitdefender.com
phone : +40 21 233 0780 / 121

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