double to int64 loses 1 problem

Tao Ma
Sat Oct 21 01:20:00 GMT 2006

Hi, everybody:

The following code will get different result in gcc3.2.3 and 
gcc3.4 (or higher, like gcc4.0 or gcc4.1.0).

Anybody can give me some idea? Thank you in advance.

Kind Regards,
Tao Ma

class Integral {
 typedef long long int int64;
 typedef unsigned long long int ullong;

 static const double TWO_EXP63 = ((ullong)1 << 63);


#include <iostream>
#include <math.h>
using namespace std;
int main() {
 typedef long long int int64;
 typedef unsigned long long int ullong;

 int64 num_4 = (int64)pow((double)2, (double)63);
 int64 num_5 = (int64)Integral::TWO_EXP63;

 cout << "gcc3.2.3 will get: 0x8000000000000000" << endl;
 cout << "gcc4.1.0 will get: 0x7fffffffffffffff" << endl;
 cout << hex << num_4 << endl;
 cout << hex << num_5 << endl;

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