Using gcc3.3.3 with mingw32 - help.
Mon May 8 20:20:00 GMT 2006


My name is Celine, I am working in Prof Meiering lab. I am interesting in 
using a software named rosetta. This software needs gcc3.3.3 as a compiler and 
I would like to work with this compiler using mingw and msys.
I managed to download mingw32 (MinGW-5.0.2.exe) and msys (MSYS-1.0.11-
2004.04.30-1.exe) but I am not able to use gcc3.3.3 with mingw.
I have downloaded gcc3.3.3 from your website (gcc-3.3.3.tar.bz2).
Can you please help me in my work?
thanks a lot for your help,

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