How to selectively remove functions from relocatable ELF object file?

Rajat Jain
Tue Mar 7 14:25:00 GMT 2006


Does there exist any method to selectively remove some of the
functions from a relocatable ELF object file??

I googled and found that using the options -fdata-sections and
-ffunction-sections, the gcc will place each function / data variable
in a seperate section. And then I can use the linker script to remove
the particular sections. However, my target might not support
arbitrary number of sections, and hence I cannot use
-ffunction-sections option.

1) Does there exist any method apart from the one above, to
selectively remove functions from the binary?

2) Can a linker script operate on function level to ask the loader to
load functions (rather than sections) at specific addresses? Or to
omit certain functions in the output?

Thanks in Advance,


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