AW: Compiling 64bit programms on redhat as 4

Peter Alberer
Fri Oct 14 16:01:00 GMT 2005

> Where do I find how my gcc was configured?
You can get the compile options for gcc with "gcc -v".

> > My main questions:
> > - Why is the file "/lib/tls/" used here and not the same file
> in
> > /lib64?
> > - Where does gcc find the info which version of the libs (32/64-bit) to
> use?
> > - do others have experience with systems running redhat as4 where gcc
> seems
> > to behave funny?
> Same question for me.

As far as the "/lib/tls/" question is concerned, this seems to be
because I compiled my own gcc with 32bit. But the others question are still
interesting for me.

As far as my original problem is concerned:
In the meantime i managed to get postgresql running on my machine. The
problem was in some calls to socket-functions where a parameter that should
have the type "socket_len" was defined as "size_t". which seems to work on
32 bit and for some people in 64 bit, but not for me...

By, peter

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